Benton County is located in south-central Washington. The County Seat is Prosser and the largest city is Kennewick. The Official Web Site is located at . The 2014 population estimate is 186,486 and the 2010 census population was 175,177. The land area is 1,700.38 square miles and there are 103 persons per square mile.
91.2% of the population is White, 1.6% is Black or African American, 19.9% is Hispanic or Latino, 2.9% is Asian, 1.2% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.2% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.8% is two or more races. 88.5% have a high school degree or higher, and 28.9% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $176,700, there are 65,675 households, an average of 2.70 persons per household. The per capita income is $28,583, the median household income is $60,485, and 12.8% of the persons in Benton County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 11,137. Retail sales (in $1000) were $2,122,018, and sales per capita were $13,309. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0.7%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 29.6%.
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Benton County Births 1905-1907 Search the Washington State Digital Archives for Benton County, Washington births recorded between 1905 and 1907. |
Benton County Census 1910 Search the Washington Secretary of State Archives by name for Benton County, Washington 1910 census records. |
Benton County Court Records First select Benton County from their menu, then search for Superior Court judgments, criminal, civil, domestic, juvenile, and probate-guardianship filings. |
Benton County Inmates Browse this listing of current inmates, provided by Benton County, Washington Sheriff. Click on the Daily Inmate Roster tab on the left. |
Benton County Naturalizations 1905-1963 Search this Washington Secretary of State Digital Archives database for Benton County, Washington Petitions for Naturalization filed between 1905 and 1963. |
Benton County Property Records Search the Benton County, Washington Assessor records for property information. |
Benton County Property Tax Use this service to locate Benton County, Washington property tax information by parcel number. More detailed information available for a fee. |
Benton County Registered Offenders Search for Benton County, Washington registered offenders by address, city, zip code, or name. |
Benton County Restaurant Inspections Search for Benton County, Washington restaurants by city and name, using this Benton-Franklin Health District site. |
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