Salt Lake County is located in north-central Utah. The County Seat is Salt Lake City and the largest city is Salt Lake City. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 1,091,742 and the 2010 census population was 1,029,655. The land area is 742.28 square miles and there are 1387.1 persons per square mile.
88.9% of the population is White, 1.9% is Black or African American, 17.6% is Hispanic or Latino, 3.7% is Asian, 1.3% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.6% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.5% is two or more races. 89% have a high school degree or higher, and 31% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $232,100, there are 344,089 households, an average of 3.01 persons per household. The per capita income is $26,103, the median household income is $60,555, and 12.7% of the persons in Salt Lake County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 97,576. Retail sales (in $1000) were $16,758,729, and sales per capita were $16,718. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0.6%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 25.6%.
Additional useful free databases can be found on our Utah Statewide Public Records page or look in our Utah Cities and Towns section for local (e.g. Salt Lake City) databases.
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Salt Lake County Official website of Salt Lake County, Utah. |
A to Z Directory County departments and services from A to Z. |
Adoptable Pets Salt Lake County Animal Services search for adoptable pets. |
Agendas & Minutes Council, Committee, Board, and District meeting Agendas and Minutes. |
Bike & Pedestrian Trails Map of Salt Lake County bicycle routes, pedestrian trails, and light rail routes. |
Business Licenses Planning and Development Department index of business licenses in Salt Lake County. |
Campaign Finance County Clerk Elections Department campaign finance reports. |
Codes Salt Lake County codified ordinances. |
Court Records Pay Site Utah Courts "XChange" subscription-only access to Salt Lake County justice and district court records. |
Deaths & Burials Salt Lake County deaths and burials recorded between 1849 and 1949. |
Flood Map Enter your Salt Lake County address to view your local FEMA flood map. |
Inmates Sheriff's Office roster of current jail inmates. |
Lost Pets Find your lost Salt Lake County pet. |
Maps Surveyor's Office maps, including a GIS interactive map, road atlas, county council, community council, township & section, and county facility maps. |
Marriages Salt Lake County marriages recorded October 1836 to August 2015. |
Meth Labs County Health Department list of properties contaminated by Methamphetamine. |
Property | Assessor Assessor's Office property search. |
Property | Business Personal Taxes Search for and pay your Salt Lake County business personal property taxes online. |
Property | Delinquent Taxes Treasurer's Office search for property tax records, tax delinquencies, and online payment service. |
Property | GIS Assessor's Office GIS map property database. |
Property | Tax Due Treasurer's Office tax balance due by parcel number or address. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Salt Lake County Recorder's Office land records and recorded documents. Subscription required. |
Restaurant Inspections County Health Department food establishment inspection reports and closures. |
Voters Salt Lake County voter search provided by the State of Utah. |
Zoning Maps Planning and Development Department interactive zoning maps. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.