If you're looking for local public records such as property and court records, you'll usually find those at the county level.
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Ashland |
Bardstown |
Beaver Dam |
Berea |
Bowling Green |
Cold Spring |
Columbia |
Corbin |
Covington |
Crestview Hills |
Edgewood |
Edgewood Property Tax Search the Edgewood, Kentucky property tax records by name, address, or parcel number. |
Elizabethtown |
Elkton |
Eminence |
Erlanger |
Flatwoods | Code City of Flatwoods code of ordinances. |
Florence |
Florence Property Tax Search the Florence, Kentucky property tax records by name, address or parcel id. |
Fort Mitchell |
Fort Thomas |
Fort Wright |
Frankfort |
Franklin |
Glasgow |
Grayson |
Greensburg |
Hazard |
Henderson |
Henderson | Code City of Henderson code of ordinances. |
Hickman | Code City of Hickman code of ordinances. |
Highland Heights |
Highland Heights | Codes Search or browse the Highland Heights, Kentucky Code of Ordinances. |
Hillview | Codes Hillview, Kentucky searchable Code of Ordinances. |
Hopkinsville |
Hopkinsville Most Wanted The police department of Hopkinsville, Kentucky provides this listing of most wanted persons, with information including photo, name, DOB, description, offense and contact info. |
Independence |
Independence Property Tax Search the Independence, Kentucky property tax records by name, address or parcel id. |
Jeffersontown |
Lawrenceburg |
Leitchfield |
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Records Go here to reach our page for the combined Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Kentucky databases. |
Louisville |
Louisville Unsolved Homicides Browse by year thru these unsolved murder files from the Louisville, Kentucky Metro Police Department. |
Louisville | Crime Data Louisville Metro Police Department crime data and interactive crime incident map. |
Madisonville |
Madisonville Registered Offenders Search for registered offenders in Madisonville and Kentucky statewide. Information includes photo, name, DOB, description, last known address, registration expiration and offense. |
Mayfield |
Mayfield | Code City of Mayfield code of ordinances. |
Maysville |
Murray |
Newport |
Nicholasville |
Owensboro |
Owensboro Property Tax Search for property tax information on this Owensboro, Kentucky service by owner name, address, bill number or map number. Requires Internet Explorer. |
Owensboro | Code City of Owensboro code of ordinances. |
Paducah |
Paducah | Code City of Paducah code of ordinances. |
Pikeville |
Radcliff |
Richmond |
Shively |
Shively Wanted The police department of Shively, Kentucky provides these posters of wanted persons in Adobe Acrobat format, with information including sketch/photo, name, description, offenses and contact info. |
Somerset |
Versailles |
Walton |
Winchester | Code City of Winchester code of ordinances. |
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