This page lists statewide California databases in alphabetical order. Click on "Popularity" to rank the list by number of visits. For county records, city records, license verification databases, or databases organized by category of record, use the menus in the left-hand column.
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California Official State Page Visit the official California state page for statewide resources, the state agency directory, employee directory, live help, departments, services, and other general and technical help. Use the search box at the top of the page to find to find services, forms, and information. |
Charitable Organizations California Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts index of charities, raffle registrants, and fundraising professionals. |
Codes and Statutes Use this database to search any of the California codes and statutes. The most popular searches are the vehicle code, penal code, and the health and safety code. |
Corporations | Limited Liability Companies | Limited Partnerships Search California Secretary of State records by name or registration number for California corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and limited partnerships. |
Death Records 1940 - 1997 Search for California death records from 1940 to 1997 by name, birth place or year, death place or year, gender, mother's maiden name, or father's last name. Gives full name, social security number, and age. |
Health Care Benefits | Covered California Compare and shop for affordable health care plans through Covered California. |
Inmates | Death Row List of California death row inmates. Gives race, county/court action, date of offense, date of sentence, and date received. This is an Adobe Acrobat pdf file. |
Inmates | Department of Corrections California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) search for inmates / offenders by name or inmate number. |
Missing Persons California missing persons search from the California Office of the Attorney General. |
Obamacare Doctors Find physicians listed with Covered California (Obamacare) for individual policy health plans. |
Recorders Offices County Recorders Offices in California. |
School Ratings California School "Dashboard" search for school and school district performance ratings. |
Superior Courts Browse this California Courts list of California Superior Courts for location, phone, and web site information. See our California Counties page for those counties that provide searchable databases. |
Tax Assessors California county assessors. Provides name, county, contact information, board member, and links to county homepages. |
Traffic Incident Reports View traffic incident reports from the California Highway Patrol (CHP) in real time. Search by area or view a statewide map. |
Unclaimed Persons State of California database of deceased persons for whom no next of kin has been found. |
Unclaimed Property California unclaimed property by name of owner (individual or business). Gives address, city, and type of property, as well as amount and how to claim property or money. |
Adoption Lawyers Membership directory of the California Adoption Bar Association. |
Apprentice Programs Apprentice programs in California by county and/or occupation. |
Apprentice Programs | Public Works Construction-related apprentice programs in California by county and/or occupation. |
Attorney General Opinions California Office of the Attorney General opinions, searchable by opinion number, official citation, word, or phrase. |
Attorneys | State Bar Query California State Bar records for attorneys by name or Bar number. |
Bankruptcies | Judgments | Tax Liens Pay Site Search California or nationwide for bankruptcies, judgments, and tax liens. $5.00 per search, immediate results. |
Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates Information Information from the California Department of Health on how to order birth, death, and marriage certificates. |
Births | 1905-1995 Search State of California births recorded between 1905 and 1995. |
Business Permit Requirements Enter business type, county, and city. Gives California business permits and other requirements for the city and type of business that you specified. Includes contact information for obtaining said permits. |
Campaign Finance California Secretary of State campaign finance searches. |
Campaign Finance | Power Search This is a new campaign finance search tool developed by MapLight with the Secretary of State's Office, and financed by the James Irvine Foundation. Much more powerful and modern than the older system. |
Coastal Photographs Wonderful database of aerial photographs taken of the California Coastline. Search by latitude/longitude or keyword of image captions; or browse the map for your favorite view. |
College Courses California Virtual Campus Professional Development catalog of distance learning courses from California colleges and universities. |
Corporations | Publicly Traded Disclosures Use this California Secretary of State service to search for all publicly traded corporations that have filed a Corporate Disclosure Statement with the Secretary of State. |
Corporations | Securities, Investment, Franchises Formerly the California Department of Corporations Cal-EASI records, now the Department of Business Oversight database for California security companies, investment companies, and franchises. |
Correct an Address in California Provide a valid California address and this service will correct it and put the address into the proper U.S. postal service format. |
Court Opinions 1850-Present Search this California Court Systems site for Court Opinions in the last 100 hours, last 120 days, or search the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, or the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (Div. 1, 2, or 3), 5th, or 6th Appellate District Court. |
Court Records | California Supreme Court & Court of Appeals Decisions Search for California Supreme Court & Court of Appeals Decisions in the last 100 hours or 120 days; or search by jurisdiction. |
Court Records | Court of Appeals Cases California Appellate Courts case records |
Court Records | PACER Federal District Courts Pay Site PACER United States District Court civil, criminal, and bankruptcy records for the Northern, Central, Eastern, and Southern Districts of California. |
Criminal Records | Applicant Agencies Information Information from the Attorney General's Office about qualified criminal records Applicant Agencies and how to order California searches. |
Criminal Records | Your Record Information Information on how to obtain your criminal history from the California Department of Justice. |
Death Records | Prior to 1905 Deaths recorded in California before 1905. |
DMV Insurance Inquiry Verify California vehicle insurance information using the plate number and PIN or last five of the VIN. |
DMV Personalized Plates Search for and order a personalized or sequential license plate configuration from the California Department of Motor Vehicles. |
Earthquakes Real Time map of California earthquakes. |
Employees Directory California State Employee telephone directory. |
Estates of Deceased Persons This is a downloadable Excel file of the estates of deceased persons in California. Provides the property ID, name, reported heirs, and available balance. |
Fictitious Business Names Search fictitious business name filings in California counties. |
Judges Browse this "California Courts" site by county and name for California Superior Court Judges. |
Legislation Search this California State Legislature database for California Assembly and/or Senate Bills by Bill number, Author(s), or keyword(s). |
Licenses | Professional, Medical & Business Search California professional, medical, and business license databases and license verification services. Click here or look over at the blue menu box at left and use the drop-down menu. |
Missing Children search for California missing children. |
Narratives | 1849-1900 Library of Congress "California as I Saw It" collection of first person narratives covering the period 1849-1900. |
Public Notices Public notices published in participating California newspapers. |
Registered Offenders California Office of the Attorney General Megan's Law offender registry. |
School Data Educational data on California schools, including demographic makeup, API targets, district spending, and more. |
School Quality California Department of Education school quality database. Search by school name. |
Shipwrecks California State Lands Commission index of California Shipwrecks. |
Smog Test Results California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Automotive Repair search by license plate or VIN for vehicle smog test results. |
State Agencies California State Agency directory. |
Supreme Court & Court of Appeals - Archives Browse the California Supreme Court & Court of Appeals archives by jurisdiction. |
Tax Rates | City & County California State Board of Equalization Sales and Use Tax rates listed by city and county, or search by address. |
Uniform Commercial Code Filings Pay Site Use the California Secretary of State Business Portal to search for California Uniform Commercial Code filings (UCCs). Registration is required. Most UCCs are documentation of secured loans and include the debtor name, secured party, and the collateral, but can also be Federal and State tax liens. |
California is located in the West Coast of the United States. The Capital is Sacramento and the largest city is Los Angeles. The Official Web Site is located at California is the most populous state in the United States. The 2014 population estimate is 38,802,500 and the 2010 census population was 37,254,503. The land area is 155,779.22 square miles and there are 239.1 persons per square mile.
73.5% of the population is White, 6.6% is Black or African American, 38.4% is Hispanic or Latino, 14.1% is Asian, 1.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.5% is Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 3.7% are two or more races. 81.2% are a high school graduate or higher, and 30.7% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $366,400. There are on average 2.94 persons per household, the per capita income is $29,527, the median household income is $61,094, and 15.9% of the persons in California are considered below poverty level.
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.