North Carolina

Click on the links below to search free birth, death, marriage, and divorce record databases in North Carolina.

Visit the North Carolina Vital Records for information on how to obtain birth and death certificates, and marriage and divorce records in North Carolina.

Birth and records are available since 1913. Death records are available since 1930. Marriage records are available from 1962. Marriage records after 1868 should be available from the Register of Deeds in the county where the marriage was performed. Divorce records are available since 1958. If the records are not available at the North Carolina Vital Records office, they should be available from the Clerk of Superior Court in the county where the divorce was granted.

To place an order, write to:

North Carolina Vital Records
1903 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1903
(919) 733-3526

Death records from 1913-1955 are available from the North Carolina State Archives.

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  • North Carolina Vital records: Birth Records, Death Records, Marriage Licenses and Divorces

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