Louisiana Vital Records

Click on the links below to search free birth, death, marriage, and divorce record databases in Louisiana.

Visit the Louisiana Vital Records Registry for information on how to obtain certain birth and death certificates, and marriage records.  To place an order, write to:

Louisiana Vital Record Central Office
PO Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160
(504) 593-5100

EMAIL: _dhh-vitalweb@la.gov

Make check or money order payable to Vital Records. A $0.50 state charge must be added to each mail or Vitalchek order. Include phone number(s) and SASE in request. All mail orders MUST be accompanied by a photocopy of your driver's license or photo ID, regardless of relationship of requestor and/or registrant/decedent.

If the requestor is NOT the registrant, and is NOT immediate family, the requestor must supply a signed statement of authorization and a photocopy of the ID for both the registrant and the requestor. This applies to brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces & nephews. Full eligibility requirements are also posted on the site and should be read before placing an order.

Other vital records are available from the:

Louisiana State Archives

3851 Essen Lane
PO Box 94125
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125
(225) 922-2012

You can obtain only birth records over 100 years old and Death records over 50 years at the Louisiana State Archives. All other current vital records are obtained through the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.

Birth Records since July 1914 from the State Registrar/Vital Records and Statistics. Records for City of New Orleans are available since 1892. Birth records from 1790-1897 are available (City of New Orleans only from the Louisiana State Archives).

Death Records from 1918-1948 are available from the Louisiana State Archives, along with Orleans Parish Death Records from 1804-1946.

Marriage Records from 1870-1946. Orleans Parish records only from Vital Records Registry or the Louisiana State Archives. For other parishes, certified copies are available from the Clerk of the Court in the parish where the license was issued.

Divorce Records are available from Clerk of Court in the parish where the divorce was granted. Call the Civil District Court, (504) 592-9100.

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