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Land Records before 1900 This is a great database for genealogy. Not only can you look up Vermont property sales (before 1900) by buyer or seller name, you can also view and download images of the actual documents. |
Arlington Grand List View the Town of Arlington, VT Grand List of property records listed by parcel ID. Includes owners, 911 address, SPAN, acreage, and real value. |
Barnet Grand List Town of Barnet, VT Board of Listers Grand List of property assessments in Excel format. |
Bennington Assessor Town of Bennington, VT property assessment search and sales records. Search by location, size, or value. |
Bradford Grand List Click on GRAND LIST to view the Town of Bradford list of property assessments organized by owner name. |
Brandon Parcels Town of Brandon Listers parcel maps in pdf format. |
Brattleboro Grand Lists Town of Brattleboro Grand Lists of property assessments in pdf format. Select a year and search by location or owner name. |
Brattleboro Tax Payments Search for and pay your Town of Brattleboro, VT tax and utility payments, invoices, certified copies, dog license renewals, parking boot releases, and parking tickets online. |
Bridgewater | Assessor Town of Bridgewater, Vermont property assessor database online, sales records, and parcel data by street. |
Burke Tax Payments Search for and pay your Town of Burke, VT property taxes. |
Burlington Assessor Query the City of Burlington, VT Office of the Assessor database for property records by owner name, parcel ID, address, land use code, SPAN number, or street name. |
Burlington Tax Payments Search for and pay City of Burlington, VT online tax bills, also animal licenses, hunting & fishing licenses, library fees, marriage licenses, photocopies, and planning & zoning fees. |
Castleton Grand List Look for GRAND LIST ABSTRACT and click on it to view the Castleton Grand List of property assessments in pdf format. |
Colchester | GIS GIS interactive map property search from the Town of Colchester Planning & Zoning Department. |
Corinth Grand List Click on CORINTH GRAND LIST to view Town of Corinth property assessments organized by owner name. |
Craftsbury Tax Maps & Grand List Use the maps in the right-hand column to search Town of Craftsbury parcel maps, or click on GRAND LIST to view assessments listed by owner name. |
Derby Bill Payments Town of Derby municipal bills. Pay your property tax, dog license, or clerk fees online. |
Dover Grand List View or download the Town of Dover Grand List of property assessments in Excel format. |
Dummerston Grand List Look down the page to Statistics, Studies, Research and click on GRAND LIST to see the list of Town of Dummerston property assessments organized by owner name. |
Eden Tax Bills Eden, VT property tax records. Search by parcel ID or owner name and pay your tax bill online. |
Elmore Grand List Grand List of Town of Elmore property and assessments organized by owner name. View or download in Excel format. |
Essex Grand List View the Town of Essex, VT Grand List of property assessments by address or owner in pdf format or download the complete list in Excel format. |
Essex Parcel Maps View downloadable parcel tax maps from the Town of Essex Clerks Office. |
Ferrisburgh Parcels Parcel records from the Town of Ferrisburgh, VT Board of Listers organized by name and provided in pdf format. |
Guildhall Grand List View Guildhall Lister Board property records in pdf format. Click on The Grand List to see assessments listed by owner name. |
Guildhall Tax Maps & Directories View Town of Guildhall tax maps in pdf format, or look through the property directories organized by: Owner Name to Property Code; Property Code to Owner Name; and Span to Property Code and Owner Name. |
Hartford Assessor View the Town of Hartford Assessor street listing of parcel data, search the property database, or search sales records. |
Jericho Tax Payments Town of Jericho, VT municipal tax payments. Search for and pay your installments online. |
Johnson Tax Payments Search for your Town and Village of Johnson, VT property tax bill by owner ID or parcel number and pay online. |
Killington Grand List Scroll down the page and click on GRAND LIST to view or download the list of Town of Killington, VT property assessments in an Excel spreadsheet. |
Manchester Properties Search Town of Manchester, VT property records by address or view the list organized by property ID. |
Mendon Assessor Town of Mendon, VT Assessor property records. These are provided in the form of an Excel spreadsheet and you have the option of viewing them online or downloading the database. |
Middlebury Tax Payments Search for and pay your Town of Middlebury, VT property tax and utility fees online. |
Monkton Parcel Maps View parcel maps in pdf format of Town of Monkton, VT property records. |
Montpelier GIS City of Montpelier, VT property records mapping service. Search by GIS map, owner name, parcel number, or parcel address. |
Moretown Assessments View Town of Moretown, VT property assessments, sales, and appraisals in pdf format. |
Morgan Tax Maps & Property View Town of Morgan property maps and parcel maps in pdf format, or download the Grand List of assessments listed by owner name. |
Newport Assessor Click on Newport City to view the Assessor Grand List of Newport property records online in Excel format or download the database. |
Newport | Assessor City of Newport property and assessment value search, property sales, and parcel data organized by street. |
North Hero Tax Payments Search for and pay your Town of North Hero, VT property taxes and municipal water fees online. |
Norwich Grand List You'll find the Town of Norwich GRAND LIST in the right-hand column. Click on it to view parcel assessments organized alphabetically by owner name. |
Panton Assessor Search Town of Panton, VT Assessor records in Excel spreadsheet format. You may of view the property records online or download the assessment database. |
Pittsford Grand List Scroll down the page to view the Town of Pittsford Grand List of property assessments and sales comparables listed by style & square footage or address. |
Poultney Assessor Search or download an Excel spreadsheet of Town of Poultney, VT Assessor property records. |
Richford Property Tax Town of Richford municipal tax bills and clerk fees online. |
Rutland Tax Payments Search for and pay your City of Rutland, VT tax payments, delinquent taxes, utility bills, clerk certified copies, and parking tickets online. |
Rutland Town Property Maps View Town of Rutland, Vermont property maps and property ownership by owner name or parcel number. Provided in pdf format. |
Ryegate Grand List Click on Grand List to search Town of Ryegate Listers property records by owner name. |
Shelburne Grand List Click on GRAND LIST IN ALPHA ORDER at the top of the page to download the latest Town of Shelburne list of property assessments in Excel format. |
South Burlington Grand List City of South Burlington, VT Grand List of property assessments, tax information, owner mailing addresses, valid sales, and more. |
Springfield Grand List View or download the most recent Town of Springfield Grand List of property assessments. |
St. Albans Tax Payments Pay your City of Saint Albans online property taxes and utility bills online. |
St. Johnsbury Assessor St. Johnsbury, VT Assessor records of property, appraisals, and sales. |
Stowe Grand List Look up Town of Stowe Grand List property assessments by owner name or location. |
Waitsfield Assessor Town of Waitsfield, VT Assessor property records presented in Excel spreadsheet format. View them online or download the database and search the records at your leisure. |
Wallingford Assessor Click on Wallingford to view the Vermont Assessor Grand List of Wallingford property records online in Excel format or download the spreadsheet. |
Warren GIS Town of Warren, VT property records, searchable by GIS map, owner name, address, or parcel ID. |
Warren Grand List View the Town of Warren, VT Grand List of property assessments from the Board of Listers. |
West Fairlee Grand List Click on GRAND LIST in the left-hand column to view a pdf document listing West Fairlee property assessments by owner name. |
Westford Parcels Use on this link to download the Town of Westford file of parcel records, then select Google Earth to open the map and view parcel boundaries. |
Westminster Grand Lists Select a year to view the Town of Westminster, VT Grand List of property assessments listed alphabetically by owner name. |
Weston GIS Search Town of Weston property records by interactive map, owner name, address, or parcel ID. |
Williamstown Maps View maps Williamstown parcels. Open the index map to find the map number, then use that to find the appropriate map. |
Williston Grand List In the right-hand column you'll find a link that says GRAND LIST PROPERTY INFO. Click on it to view a pdf document of Town of Williston assessments organized by parcel ID. |
Williston Tax Payments Search for and pay your Town of Brattleboro, VT property tax and clerk fees online. |
Wilmington Grand List View the Town of Wilmington, VT Grand List of property assessment records in pdf or Excel format. Viewing options are by owner name, street name, or by tax map number. |
Wilmington Tax Maps View pdf files of Town of Wilmington property tax maps. Start with the tax map cover sheet to see which map to download. |
Winhall Assessor Search Town of Winhall, VT records of property assessments in Excel spreadsheet format. You may download the database or view them spreadsheet online. |
Woodstock Grand List View the Town of Woodstock Grand List of property records by parcel owner name. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.