1) South Carolina Warrants and Most Wanted Directory. Search for criminal wants and warrants in South Carolina.
2) Free searches - listed below. South Carolina provides excellent free access to a number of different types of criminal record databases. We recommend you start with the resource below titled “Court Records | Circuit and Summary County Courts” to search statewide for criminal court records. Also available are resources for searching state and federal inmates, statewide registered offenders, federal criminal court records (through the inexpensive PACER system), and court records, judgments, court dockets, police reports, and inmates in available cities and counties.
3) S.L.E.D. Use the “Criminal Histories (SLED)” resource below to order an instant statewide criminal record check in South Carolina for $25. This does not include federal inmates or federal criminal records, so we recommend a search for those using resources mentioned in option #1 above.
4) Search Systems State, National, and International Criminal Records. Criminals don't stop at state borders. Expand your search with our Search Systems Premium criminal record database - the largest available to the public online containing over 450 million criminal records in all states. Includes over 70 national and international terrorist, debarred persons, and most wanted databases. The cost per search is $14.95 and results are immediate. See Inside Edition's report on YouTube.
Our South Carolina records include felony, misdemeanor and/or traffic court records from all counties; Dept of Corrections inmate records; Dept of Probation, Parole & Pardon Services supervised offenders; and registered offenders. A search of South Carolina records only is $9.95, immediate results.
If you find a broken link below, please use the Report a Broken Link form to let us know.
Court Records | Circuit and Summary County Courts Search South Carolina Circuit Court or Summary Court civil, criminal & family court records, judgments, and lis pendens cases in all counties of South Carolina. |
Court Records | PACER U.S. District Court Pay Site Provided by: U.S. District Court of South Carolina. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents. |
Criminal Background Search Pay Site Use this Search Systems Premium service to search statewide in South Carolina for corrections records and registered offenders. $9.95 fee for a statewide search. |
Criminal Histories (SLED) Search this South Carolina S.L.E.D. database of criminal records in South Carolina by name, date of birth, gender, and optionally by maiden name. |
Inmates South Carolina Department of Corrections Inmate Search database by SCDC number, SID number, or name. |
Inmates | VineLink South Carolina Statewide Automated Victim Information Notification (SAVIN). Find offenders, offender court cases, probationers, and parolees. |
Parole & Pardon Hearings & Results Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services parole and pardon hearings search, hearings calendar, and pardon results. |
Registered Offenders South Carolina Law Enforcement Division records of registered offenders. |
Aiken County | Case Rosters Criminal case roster list from the Aiken County Second Judicial Circuit. |
Anderson County | Court Records Anderson County Tenth Judicial Circuit court records. |
Beaufort County Inmates Use this Beaufort County, South Carolina service to search for inmates & offenders by name, date of birth, age at arrest, booking date, and/or prisoner ID. |
Berkeley County | Court Records Berkeley County Summary Court and Circuit Court records. |
Charleston County Court Criminal Records - Clerk of Courts Search the Charleston County, South Carolina Court of Common Pleas Civil, Lis Pendens, Criminal and Traffic cases filed after January 1, 1999 and view images. |
Charleston County Court Criminal Records - Magistrates Search the Charleston County, South Carolina Magistrates Court Civil, Lis Pendens, Criminal and Traffic cases filed after January 1, 1999 and view images. |
Charleston County Court Criminal Records - Master in Equity Search the Charleston County, South Carolina Master in Equity Court for Civil, Lis Pendens, Criminal and Traffic cases filed after January 1, 1999 and view images. |
Cherokee County | Inmates Cherokee County Sheriff's Office inmate roster. |
Chester County | Inmates Search current Chester County Detention Center inmates or view the detainee list. |
Darlington County | Inmates Current inmate list from the Darlington County Detention Center. |
Florence County Inmate Releases Use this service of the Florence County Sheriff's Office in South Carolina to choose a date and browse a list of their inmate releases on that day. |
Greenville County | Court Records South Carolina Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Courts criminal records. |
Greenville County | Inmates Current inmate search from the Greenville County Detention Center. |
Lexington County | Court Records Lexington Count Eleventh Judicial Circuit criminal court records. |
Newberry County | Current Inmates Current inmate lookup from the Newberry County Detention Center. |
Newberry County | Inmate History Newberry County Detention Center released inmate database. |
Orangeburg County | Court Records Orangeburg Count First Judicial Circuit criminal court records. |
Pickens County | Court records South Carolina Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in Pickens County criminal court records. |
Richland County Court Richland County Public Index of Circuit and Summary Court Civil, Criminal and Traffic court cases. |
Richland County Inmates Search the Alvins S. Glenn Detention Center in Richland County, South Carolina by name for inmates & offenders. |
York County | Court Records York County 16th Circuit criminal court records. |
York County | Inmates York County Sheriff's Office Detention Center recent bookings and current inmates. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.