Albany County is located in southeast Wyoming. The County Seat is Laramie and the largest city is Laramie. The Official Web Site is located at . The 2014 population estimate is 37,811 and the 2010 census population was 36,299. The land area is 4,273.84 square miles and there are 8.5 persons per square mile.
91.7% of the population is White, 2% is Black or African American, 9.3% is Hispanic or Latino, 2.9% is Asian, 1% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.2% is two or more races. 95.3% have a high school degree or higher, and 48% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $201,500, there are 15,257 households, an average of 2.25 persons per household. The per capita income is $24,758, the median household income is $42,774, and 26% of the persons in Albany County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 3,318. Retail sales (in $1000) were $468,773, and sales per capita were $14,433. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 32.2%.
Adjacent county records: |
Converse County | Platte County | Laramie County |
Larimer County, CO | Jackson County, CO | Carbon County |
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Albany County Home Page Albany County home page, offices & departments, announcements, community calendar, announcements, employment, visitor information, and community resources. |
Genealogy | RootsWeb RootsWeb genealogy resources, including: history, ranches, maps, towns and places, etc. |
Genealogy | USGenWeb USGenWeb genealogy resources, including: Albany County census records, marriages, pensioners, cemetery transcriptions, etc. |
Inmates | VineLink Albany County Sheriff's Office inmate records by offender ID or name. |
Marriages 1869-1911 Marriage recorded in Albany County between June 6, 1869 and September 10, 1911. |
Obituaries 1868-1964 Albany County Genealogical Society records of obtiuaries published between 1868 and 1964. |
Polling Places Find your polling place by address or map. |
Property | Assessor Assessor database for property records for owner name, property description, PIN, address, property class, and tax information. |
Property | GIS Interactive GIS map search for property records by owner name, Geo PIN, road name, or address. |
Property | Treasurer Treasurer property tax database for tax and value data. |
Recorded Documents County Clerk database of recorded documents / land records, including mortgages, deeds, plats, amendments, tax liens, judgments, and more. |
Sex Offenders Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation database of registered sex offenders state or countywide. |
Tax Lien Sales Treasurer's Office foreclosure property tax lien sale listings. |
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