Larimer County is located in northern Colorado. The County Seat is Fort Collins and the largest city is Fort Collins. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 324,122 and the 2010 census population was 299,630. The land area is 2,596.00 square miles and there are 115.4 persons per square mile.
93.4% of the population is White, 1% is Black or African American, 10.9% is Hispanic or Latino, 2.2% is Asian, 1% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.3% is two or more races. 94.4% have a high school degree or higher, and 43.8% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $247,100, there are 121,423 households, an average of 2.45 persons per household. The per capita income is $30,740, the median household income is $58,626, and 14.1% of the persons in Larimer County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 34,660. Retail sales (in $1000) were $3,922,871, and sales per capita were $13,672. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0.4%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 29.7%.
Larimer County resources are listed below. Search for ordinances, most wanted fugitives, permits, property records, recorded documents, restaurant inspections, voter information, and more.
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Larimer County Larimer County, Colorado official government website. |
Agendas & Minutes List of Larimer County boards, committees, panels, and committee, with meeting Agendas and Minutes for each. |
Arrests Larimer County Sheriff's Office inmate booking reports. |
Arrests | Transient & Homeless Larimer County Sheriff's Office list of arrests / bookings of transient and homeless persons. |
Birth and Death Records Information Information from the Larimer County Health Department on how to request birth and death certificates. |
Burn Permits Interactive burn permit map for Larimer County. |
Code of Ordinances Searchable codified ordinances for Larimer County. |
Court Dockets Larimer County Justice Center and Loveland County Court docket search. |
Court Information Information Information from the Colorado Judicial Branch on the Larimer County court system and the 8th Judicial District Court. |
Crime Map In the "Jump to City" menu, select "CO - Larimer County" to view crime incident reports from the Larimer County Sheriff's Office. |
Directory Directory of Larimer County offices and departments. |
Engineering Maps Static and interactive Engineering maps for Larimer County, including road closures and information, floodplains, land ownership, road surface, and bridge weight limit maps. |
Inmates Larimer County Sheriff's Office inmate search. |
Jobs Larimer County government available jobs. |
Most Wanted Larimer County, Colorado Sheriff's Office most wanted persons. |
Parks & Trails Interactive map of Larimer County open spaces, parks, and trails. |
Permits & Inspections Larimer County access to permits, inspections, land use and zoning, licenses, invoices, fees due, and more. Requires registration. |
Property | Assessor Larimer County Assessor property search, including mobile homes and sales records. |
Property | GIS Larimer County GIS portal interactive property search. |
Property | Tax Payments Information Information from the Larimer County Treasurer on how to make your property tax payments. |
Property | Tax Records Larimer County Treasurer's Office property tax search. |
Rabies Animals GIS map of animals in Larimer County that have tested positive for rabies. |
Recorded Documents Larimer County deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, licenses, easements, death certificates, and other recorded documents filed with the Clerk and Recorder since 1971. |
Restaurant Inspections Restaurant inspection reports from the Larimer County Environmental Health Services department. |
Street Names Browse alphabetically or search by street name for the names of streets in Larimer County and its municipalities. |
Voter Registration Find out if you are registered to vote in Larimer County by name, zip code, and date of birth. |
Zoning Search Find Larimer County zoning by parcel number. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.