Greer County

Greer County is located in southwest Oklahoma.  The County Seat is Mangum and the largest city is Mangum.  The Official Web Site is located at http://greer.okcounties.org/.  The 2014 population estimate is 6,151 and the 2010 census population was 6,239.  The land area is 639.32 square miles and there are 9.8 persons per square mile.

85.4% of the population is White, 7.4% is Black or African American, 10.6% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.2% is Asian, 3.3% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 3.5% is two or more races.  79.6% have a high school degree or higher, and 14.4% have a Bachelor degree or higher.

The median home value is $63,000, there are 2,246 households, an average of 2.24 persons per household.  The per capita income is $17,969,  the median household income is $39,900, and 9.9% of the persons in Greer County are considered below poverty level.

The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 469.  Retail sales (in $1000) were $28,053, and sales per capita were $4,834.  

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Public Records, Libraries, and Schools

  • Public Records
  • Libraries
  • Schools

201 W. LINCOLN ST., GREER, MANGUM, OK, 73554.  
Phone: (580) 782-3185  
EDISON ES   (Directions)
201 WEST MADISON STREET,  GREER COUNTY, MANGUM, OK, 73554.   Phone: (580) 782-2703

GRANITE ES   (Directions)
POST OFFICE BOX 98,  GREER COUNTY, GRANITE, OK, 73547.   Phone: (580) 535-2104
Total Students: 203  
GRANITE HS   (Directions)
POST OFFICE BOX 98,  GREER COUNTY, GRANITE, OK, 73547.   Phone: (580) 535-2104

LAKESIDE SCHOOL   (Directions)
1700 E 1ST ST,  GREER COUNTY, GRANITE, OK, 73547.   Phone: (580) 480-3711

MANGUM HS   (Directions)
301 NORTH OKLAHOMA AVENUE,  GREER COUNTY, MANGUM, OK, 73554.   Phone: (580) 782-3343

MANGUM MS   (Directions)
401 NORTH OKLAHOMA AVENUE,  GREER COUNTY, MANGUM, OK, 73554.   Phone: (580) 782-5912

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