Williamson County is located in central Tennessee. The County Seat is Franklin and the largest city is Franklin. The Official Web Site is located at http://williamsoncounty-tn.gov/. The 2014 population estimate is 205,226 and the 2010 census population was 183,180. The land area is 582.60 square miles and there are 314.4 persons per square mile.
90.2% of the population is White, 4.6% is Black or African American, 4.7% is Hispanic or Latino, 3.5% is Asian, 0.3% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.4% is two or more races. 94.6% have a high school degree or higher, and 52.8% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $334,900, there are 66,364 households, an average of 2.84 persons per household. The per capita income is $41,292, the median household income is $89,779, and 5.7% of the persons in Williamson County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 25,339. Retail sales (in $1000) were $3,306,994, and sales per capita were $19,834. The percentage of black-owned firms is 2.2%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 22.5%.
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Williamson County Official government website of Williamson County, Tennessee. |
Agendas & Minutes Williamson County Commission, and county Commission and Board meeting Agendas and Minutes. |
Calendar Williamson County government and community events calendar. |
Cemeteries & Burials Searchable index from FindAGrave of cemeteries in Williamson County, including maps, interments, dates, and gravestone photos. |
Court Payments Court payment service for Williamson County Circuit Court and General Sessions Court. |
Courts Information Williamson County 21st Judicial District court system information. |
Directory Williamson County government directory. |
Drug Offenders Tennessee Bureau of Investigation registry of Williamson County drug offenders. |
Genealogy Williamson County genealogy records from TNGenWeb and the Williamson County Historical Society. |
Jobs Employment opportunities with Williamson County government. |
Maps Williamson County static and GIS maps, including civil district, county road, index, zoning, voting district, zipcode, and traffic shed maps. |
Most Wanted Williamson County Sheriff's Office wanted fugitives. |
Pet Adoptions Pets available for adoption from the Williamson County Animal Center. |
Phone Directory Williamson County staff phone directory. |
Placards Find your Williamson County handicap placard by placard number and renew online. |
Property | Assessor Williamson County Property Assessor's Office property search. |
Property | Tax Records Williamson County Trustee's Office property tax search and online tax payments. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Williamson County property records, recorded documents, maps, and property tax search. Requires subscription. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Find and download digital images of Register of Deeds recorded documents filed since 1/1/1981 in Williamson County. Subscription or pay as you go. |
Restaurant Inspections Tennessee Department of Health record search of Williamson County restaurant inspection reports by restaurant name. |
Sex Offenders Tennessee Bureau of Investigation offender registry search statewide or for Williamson County offenders. |
Sheriff Sales Williamson County Sheriff's Office sheriff sales. |
Vital Records Information Information from the Williamson County Health Department on how to obtain copies of vital records. |
Voters Select "Williamson" as the County of Residence to verify your Williamson County voter registration. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.