Shelby County is located in southwestern Tennessee. The County Seat is Memphis and the largest city is Memphis. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 938,803 and the 2010 census population was 927,640. The land area is 763.17 square miles and there are 1215.5 persons per square mile.
42.6% of the population is White, 53.1% is Black or African American, 5.9% is Hispanic or Latino, 2.5% is Asian, 0.3% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.4% is two or more races. 86% have a high school degree or higher, and 29% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $132,700, there are 343,517 households, an average of 2.66 persons per household. The per capita income is $25,549, the median household income is $46,250, and 20.8% of the persons in Shelby County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 76,350. Retail sales (in $1000) were $11,932,863, and sales per capita were $12,971. The percentage of black-owned firms is 30.9%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 30.8%.
Additional useful free databases can be found on our Tennessee Statewide Public Records page or look in our Tennessee Cities and Towns section for local (e.g. City of Memphis) databases.
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Shelby County Official government website of Shelby County, Tennessee. |
Agendas & Minutes Shelby County Commission and Committee meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Audio & Video files. |
Birth Records Shelby County birth records filed with the Register of Deeds. |
Business | New Shelby County Clerk's Office list by date of newly registered businesses. |
Business | Shelby Area Shelby County Chamber Alliance links to Chamber business directories in Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown, Lakeland, and Millington, Tennessee. |
Cemeteries & Interments Index of cemeteries in Shelby County, including cemetery maps, interments, and burial site photographs. |
Census 1865 Shelby County Register of Deeds index of 1865 Memphis Census records. |
Codes Code of ordinances for Shelby County, Tennessee. |
Court Dockets | Probate Shelby County Probate Court dockets by date. |
Court Judgments | Chancery Shelby County Chancery Court judgment search. |
Court Judgments | Circuit Circuit Court of Shelby County judgment search. |
Court Judgments | General Sessions General Sessions Court Civil Division of Shelby County judgments against a person or business. |
Court Payments Pay Site Find and pay your Shelby County General Sessions Criminal Court traffic tickets or court payments. |
Court Records | Chancery Civil, Family, Probate Chancery Court of Shelby County court record search, including civil, family, divorce, adoption, child support, probate, worker's compensation, foreclosure cases, and more. |
Court Records | Circuit Civil, Family Shelby County Circuit Court civil, family, and workers comp records. |
Court Records | Circuit Court 1893-2000 Shelby County Register of Deeds index of Circuit Court cases filed between 1893 and 2000. |
Court Records | Criminal Shelby County Criminal Justice System portal to criminal court records and hearings. Requires registration. |
Court Records | General Sessions Civil Shelby County General Sessions Civil Division Court records, judgments, and dockets. |
Court Records | Probate Shelby County Probate Court case record search by name or case number. |
Court Records | Probate Will Index In the middle column under "Shelby County Records" you'll find the Shelby County Probate Court Will Index (including images) for the period 1830-2000. |
Crime Map GIS map of crime incidents in Shelby County from the Memphis Daily News. |
Death Records Tennessee statewide and Shelby County death record searches. |
Directory Shelby County government department and staff phone directory. |
Divorces Tennessee statewide index of divorces filed after 1980 and records of Shelby County divorces filed in Chancery Court. |
Drug Offenders Shelby County meth offender search from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. |
Inmates Shelby County Sheriff's Office current inmate roster, recent bookings, and inmate statistics. |
Jobs Job postings and application process from Shelby County government. |
Land Bank Properties Register of Deeds for Shelby County GIS map of land bank properties for sale. |
Marriage Records In the middle column you'll find Tennessee statewide and Shelby County marriage records. |
Most Wanted | Sheriff's Office Most wanted fugitives list from the Shelby County Sheriff's office. |
Naturalization Records Shelby County Register of Deeds records for naturalizations filed between 1856 and 1906. |
Police Reports Information Information from the Memphis Police Department on how to obtain a police incident or crash report. |
Property | Assessor Assessor of Property for Shelby County real property records searchable by address, owner name, business name, or parcel ID. |
Property | Assessor GIS Shelby County Assessor of Property records searchable by owner name, address, parcel ID, or interactive GIS map. |
Property | Memphis Daily News Pay Site Search real estate property and development records in Shelby County, Tennessee with this database provided by the Memphis Daily News. Also includes legal filings, liens and other background information. Subscription required. |
Property | Personal Shelby County Assessor of property search for personal property records. |
Property | Register of Deeds GIS Shelby County Register of Deeds search for property records by address, name, parcel ID, tax map, or GIS map. |
Property | Sales Neighborhood property sales search from the Shelby County Assessor of Property. |
Property | Tax Payments Online tax payment service from the Shelby County Trustee's Office. |
Property | Tax Records Shelby County Trustee's Office property tax records by address, owner name, or parcel ID. |
Public Notices | Foreclosures, Court, Bids Shelby County, TN public notices posted in the Memphis Daily News. Find foreclosure notices, bids, orders of publication, creditor notices, public sales, and meeting notices. |
Public Records & Notices Pay Site Memphis Daily News index of Shelby County, Tennessee public records & notices. Includes tax liens, judgments, marriage licenses, business licenses, etc. Access requires subscription. |
Recorded Documents Shelby County Register of Deeds mortgages, liens, judgments, deeds and other land records and financing statement documents. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Find and download images of recorded documents from the Shelby County Register of Deeds filed since 01/01/1941. Subscription or pay per search required. |
Restaurant Inspections Find Tennessee Department of Health food service inspection reports by restaurant name and Shelby County. |
Sex Offenders Tennessee Bureau of Investigation search for Shelby County. |
Voters Check by name for your voter registration in Shelby County. |
Warrants Shelby County Sheriff's Office warrant search. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.