Rutherford County is located in central Tennessee. The County Seat is Murfreesboro and the largest city is Murfreesboro. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 288,906 and the 2010 census population was 262,604. The land area is 619.36 square miles and there are 424 persons per square mile.
80.4% of the population is White, 13.5% is Black or African American, 7% is Hispanic or Latino, 3.2% is Asian, 0.5% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.3% is two or more races. 89.7% have a high school degree or higher, and 28.3% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $159,100, there are 96,731 households, an average of 2.73 persons per household. The per capita income is $25,077, the median household income is $55,401, and 13% of the persons in Rutherford County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 20,939. Retail sales (in $1000) were $2,804,294, and sales per capita were $11,588. The percentage of black-owned firms is 6.1%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 25.3%.
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Rutherford County Rutherford County, Tennessee official website. |
Agendas & Minutes Rutherford County Commission meeting Minutes and Agendas. |
Business Directory Member business directory from the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce. |
Cemeteries GIS map of cemeteries from the Rutherford County Archives Department. |
Cemeteries & Interments Searchable index from Find A Grave of cemeteries in Rutherford County, including interment records, dates, gravestone photos, and cemetery maps. |
Court | Chancery Dockets Chancery Court of Rutherford County daily, motion, orders of protection, Pendente Lite, and child support dockets. |
Court | Circuit Docket Rutherford County Circuit Court Clerk court calendar. |
Court | Information Information about the Rutherford County Court Clerks and Chancery, Circuit, Drug, General Sessions, and Juvenile Courts. |
Drug Offenders Rutherford County drug offender search from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. |
Genealogy | TNGenWeb Rutherford County genealogy databases from TNGenWeb, including 1804-1881 marriages, indenture bonds, civil war soldiers & sailors, family group sheets, land records, and substantially more. |
GIS Maps Rutherford County interactive map services. |
Jobs Employment opportunities with Rutherford County government. |
Pet Adoptions Rutherford County Pet Adoption and Welfare Services adoptable pets. |
Placards Find and pay your Rutherford County handicap placard payment online. |
Property | Assessor Rutherford County Property Assessor real property and property sales records. |
Property | GIS Rutherford County GIS interactive map parcel records. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Find and download digital images of Rutherford County Register of Deeds recorded documents filed since January 1986. Subscription required. |
Restaurant Inspections Tennessee Department of Health query for Rutherford County restaurant health inspection reports. |
Sex Offenders Rutherford County and statewide registered offender searches from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. |
Voters Tennessee Secretary of State voter registration lookup for Rutherford County. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.