Tulsa County is located in northeastern Oklahoma. The County Seat is Tulsa and the largest city is Tulsa. The Official Web Site is located at http://www.tulsacounty.org/. The 2014 population estimate is 629,598 and the 2010 census population was 603,442. The land area is 570.25 square miles and there are 1058.1 persons per square mile.
74% of the population is White, 10.8% is Black or African American, 11.6% is Hispanic or Latino, 2.6% is Asian, 6.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 5.8% is two or more races. 88.5% have a high school degree or higher, and 29.7% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $134,100, there are 241,915 households, an average of 2.48 persons per household. The per capita income is $27,676, the median household income is $48,181, and 15.9% of the persons in Tulsa County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 61,112. Retail sales (in $1000) were $9,580,670, and sales per capita were $16,366. The percentage of black-owned firms is 4.3%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 25.9%.
Use the links below to find Tulsa County death records, foreclosures, court records, inmates, most-wanted persons, registered offenders, property records, and more.
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Tulsa County Official government website of Tulsa County, Oklahoma. |
Adoptable Pets Pets available for adoption from the Animal Rescue Foundation in Tulsa County. |
Agendas & Documents Agendas and related documents from Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners and other county agency, boards, committee, and authority public meetings. |
Assessor Maps Tulsa County Assessor static maps, including parcel, school district, corporate limit, millage rate, and tax comparison maps. |
Business Directory Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce business directory search. |
Calendar Calendar of Tulsa County meetings and events. |
Court Records Select "Tulsa County District Court" in the menu to search the Oklahoma State Courts Network for Tulsa County court dockets. |
Deaths | 1963-1990 Tulsa City-County Public Library index of death notices that were published in the Tulsa World or the Tulsa Tribune between 1963 and 1990. |
Foreclosures Tulsa County Sheriff Office lists of foreclosed property auctions. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch Tulsa County and Oklahoma statewide genealogy records, including land, census, military, probate, vital records, and much more. |
Genealogy | OKGenWeb Oklahoma GenWeb genealogy resources for Tulsa County. |
Inmates Tulsa County Sheriff Office inmate status search. |
Inmates | VineLink Inmate reports from the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office. |
Jobs Open employment positions with Tulsa County government. |
Marriage Licenses Information Information from the Tulsa County Court Clerk’s Office on how to obtain a marriage license or a copy of a marriage license or decree of dissolution. |
Marriages | 1907-1930 Marriages recorded between 1907 and 1930 in Tulsa County. |
Phone Directory Telephone and email directory for Tulsa County departments and officials. |
Properties for Sale Properties acquired by Tulsa County that will be or are available for sale. |
Property | Assessor Tulsa County Assessor property search by owner name, address, account number, subdivision, or parcel number. |
Property | Assessor & Treasurer Instructions and access to Tulsa County Assessor and Treasurer property records. |
Property | Assessor Maps Find and download pdf images of Assessor maps from the Tulsa County Assessor. |
Property | GIS Tulsa County Assessor GIS map search for property, assessment, and tax data. |
Property | New Subdivisions Tulsa County commercial and residential new subdivision plat filings organized by year. |
Property | Tax Roll Tulsa County Treasurer's Office property tax records searchable by tax roll or parcel number. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Tulsa County Clerk access to land records and other recorded documents. Requires registration. |
Restaurant Inspections Select "Tulsa County" in the menu for a list of food service establishment inspection reports or search by restaurant or food service name. |
Schools & Universities Schools and Universities in Tulsa County. |
Sex Offenders Tulsa County Sheriff's Office offender registry. |
Voters Find your Tulsa County polling place, track your absentee ballot, and confirm your voter registration online. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.