Cleveland County is located in central Oklahoma. The County Seat is Norman and the largest city is Norman. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 269,908 and the 2010 census population was 255,761. The land area is 538.77 square miles and there are 474.7 persons per square mile.
80.4% of the population is White, 4.8% is Black or African American, 7.8% is Hispanic or Latino, 4.2% is Asian, 5% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 5.4% is two or more races. 90.9% have a high school degree or higher, and 31.4% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $141,300, there are 96,701 households, an average of 2.58 persons per household. The per capita income is $26,920, the median household income is $54,989, and 12.9% of the persons in Cleveland County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 24,381. Retail sales (in $1000) were $2,522,273, and sales per capita were $10,692. The percentage of black-owned firms is 1.6%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 26.8%.
Use the links below to find court records, property databases, deeds & mortgages, warrants, inmates, foreclosures, and more.
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Cleveland County Official website of Cleveland County, Oklahoma. |
Active Warrants Cleveland County Sheriff's Office search for active warrants. |
Agendas & Minutes Cleveland County Board of Commissioners, Budget Board, Community Corrections Planning Council, Equalization Board, Excise Board, Home Loan Authority, and Tax Roll Correction Board meeting Agendas and Minutes. |
Business Directory Cleveland County area member business directory from the Normand Chamber of Commerce. |
Cemetery & Burial Records Searchable index of interments in cemeteries in Cleveland County. |
Court Records Select "Cleveland County District Court" in the Court menu to search county dockets from the Oklahoma State Courts Network. |
Directory Cleveland County directory of departments, elected officials, and government offices. |
Forms | County Clerk Cleveland County Clerk printable land record forms and documents. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch Guide to genealogy research in Cleveland County and Oklahoma online genealogy databases from FamilySearch. |
Genealogy | OKGenWeb Cleveland County genealogy records from OKGenWeb, including census, cemetery, probate, newspaper, vital, and obituary records. |
GIS Map GIS city map of streets, topography, and parcel data for communities in Cleveland County. |
Inmates Cleveland County Detention Center inmate search. |
Jobs Posted employment opportunities with Cleveland County government. |
Maps Cleveland County static commissioner, flood zone, and election district maps. |
Pet Adoptions Cleveland County Area pets available for adoption from the Second Chance Animal Sanctuary in Norman, Oklahoma. |
Property | Assessor GIS Cleveland County Assessor parcel search by account or parcel number, owner name, address, intersection, or interactive GIS map. Click on "Reports" for sales reports and comparables. |
Property | Tax Records Cleveland County Treasurer's Office paid and unpaid property tax records. |
Recorded Documents Cleveland County Clerk's Office deeds, mortgages, tax liens, fictitious names, judgments, military discharges, UCCs, physician's records, plats, and other recorded documents. |
Restaurant Inspections Select "Cleveland County" in the county menu or search by restaurant or food service name for inspection reports. |
Sex & Violent Offenders Oklahoma Department of Corrections search for violent and sex offenders statewide, or limit your search to Cleveland County. |
Sheriff Foreclosure Sales Bidding instructions and foreclosure sale list from the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office. |
Staff Directory Cleveland County searchable staff phone directory. |
Voters Oklahoma State Election Board online Cleveland County voter registration check and polling locator. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.