We designed this page to provide you with the resources to find the most pertinent public records in New Mexico. View those databases below, or use the side menus to find county and city public records, as well as professional licenses.
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Bankrupcties, Judgments & Tax Liens Pay Site Use our Premium database to search statewide in New Mexico for bankruptcies, judgments and tax liens for only $5.00. |
Company Search | Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs New Mexico Public Regulation Commission registered corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships. |
County Records Search public records free in New Mexico counties. |
Court Records Search statewide in New Mexico for District, Magistrate and Municipal civil, traffic, and criminal court filings. Search by name, date of birth, driver license number & state, case number and/or date range. |
Death Records 1899-1949 New Mexico death records 1899-1949 by name of deceased. |
DWI Offenders New Mexico Courts database of DWI offender histories and court dispositions. Once you enter the system and get to the case lookup page, click on "DWI Search." |
Inmates & Offenders New Mexico Corrections Department database of current inmates, and offenders who are on probation or parole. |
New Mexico Home Page Use this official State of New Mexico site to find government officials, agencies, departments, programs, and services in the land of enchantment. |
Sex Offenders New Mexico Department of Public Safety registry of sex offenders. |
Unclaimed Property New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department information on and access to their unclaimed property database at MissingMoney.com. |
Uniform Commercial Code UCC record search from the New Mexico Secretary of State. |
Adoptions | Waiting Children New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department children waiting to be adopted. |
Attorney General Opinions Database of New Mexico Attorney General Opinions and Advisory Letters. |
Attorneys State Bar of New Mexico registered attorneys and law firms. |
Attorneys | Disciplinary Actions New Mexico Supreme Court attorney Disciplinary Board reprimands and judicial notice quarterly reports. |
Births and Christenings 1726-1918 Index of New Mexico christening and birth records filed between 1726 and 1918. |
County Clerks Browse this New Mexico Secretary of State list for the names, addresses, and phone number of New Mexico County Clerks. |
Court Opinions | Supreme Court & Court of Appeals New Mexico Compilation Commission index of Court of Appeals & Supreme Court Opinions. |
Court Records - U.S. District PACER Provided by: U.S. District Court of New Mexico. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents. |
Court Records - U.S. District PACER Bankruptcy Pay Site U.S. District Court of New Mexico bankruptcies. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal bankruptcy court records by case number, name, SSN/Tax ID, or case type. |
Death Records Deaths and burials recorded in New Mexico 1788-1798 and 1838-1955. |
Delinquent Property Tax Sales New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department scheduled public tax auction sales. |
DWI Convictions Driving While Under the Influence (DWI) convictions. View reports or search the NM court system for case records. |
Electric Companies & Cooperatives New Mexico Public Regulation Commission lists of regulated electric companies and rural electric cooperatives. |
Genealogy New Mexico genealogy and history resources from FamilySearch. |
Government Directory State, Federal, and Local Government in New Mexico. |
Jobs New Mexico State Personnel Office government jobs. |
Legislators Find current or former members of the New Mexico State Senate or House of Representatives. |
Libraries New Mexico State Library directory of academic, public, school, and special libraries. |
Licenses | Professional, Medical & Business Free New Mexico professional, medical, and business license databases and license verification services. Find architects doctors, dentists, attorneys, contractors, banks, credit unions, and more. |
Lobbyists - by Name Under Election Resources, click on "Index of Lobbyists" to browse (PDF format) by name for active lobbyists in New Mexico. Provides name, address, and Employer Organization. |
Marriages 1751-1918 Index of 93,000 New Mexico marriage records filed between 1751 and 1918. |
Missing Children Missing New Mexico children search. |
Oil & Gas Royalties This royalty inquiry from the New Mexico Oil & Gas ONGUARD system allows the user to search and view PUN, Lease and Well completion data for State lands. |
Oil & Gas Taxes This tax inquiry from the New Mexico Oil & Gas ONGUARD system provides recent Production Unit Number (PUN) information/history and Tax Detail by entering in a API Pool, PUN or OGRID number. |
Phone Directory New Mexico State Government phone directory in pdf format. |
Schools Browse this alphabetical listing of all schools in New Mexico, including elementary, middle, high, charter, postsecondary, nonpublic and special schools. |
Schools | Colleges & Universities Higher Education Department list and performance of New Mexico colleges and universities. |
Spanish Enlistment Papers 1770-1816 Browse this New Mexico Genealogical Society database of Spanish Militia Enlistment Papers covering the period 1770-1816. |
Statutes Search for New Mexico Statutes, Rules & Code by keyword. Includes the New Mexico Constitution, Territorial Laws, Judicial Volumes, Local District Rules, Miscellaneous Tables, and Administrative Code. |
Storage Tanks New Mexico Environment Department lists of underground and above ground storage tanks, petroleum facilities & owners, and leaking sites. |
Voters New Mexico Secretary of State voter registration search. |
New Mexico is located in the southwest United States. The Capital is Santa Fe and the largest city is Albuquerque. The Official Web Site is located at http://www.newmexico.gov/. New Mexico is the 36th most populous state in the United States. The 2014 population estimate is 2,085,572 and the 2010 census population was 2,059,192. The land area is 121,298.15 square miles and there are 17 persons per square mile.
82.9% of the population is White, 2.5% is Black or African American, 47.3% is Hispanic or Latino, 1.6% is Asian, 10.4% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.2% is Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.4% are two or more races. 83.6% are a high school graduate or higher, and 25.8% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $160,000. There are on average 2.66 persons per household, the per capita income is $23,763, the median household income is $44,927, and 20.4% of the persons in New Mexico are considered below poverty level.
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