Washtenaw County is located in southeast Michigan. The County Seat is Ann Arbor and the largest city is Ann Arbor. The Official Web Site is located at http://www.ewashtenaw.org/. The 2014 population estimate is 356,874 and the 2010 census population was 345,066. The land area is 705.97 square miles and there are 488.4 persons per square mile.
75% of the population is White, 12.9% is Black or African American, 4.4% is Hispanic or Latino, 8.4% is Asian, 0.4% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 3.3% is two or more races. 94% have a high school degree or higher, and 51.3% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $198,400, there are 135,800 households, an average of 2.42 persons per household. The per capita income is $33,231, the median household income is $59,055, and 15.4% of the persons in Washtenaw County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 32,615. Retail sales (in $1000) were $3,681,086, and sales per capita were $10,584. The percentage of black-owned firms is 7.5%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 33.1%.
Scroll down the page to find public records and government services in Washtenaw County, including: county, city, township, and village property records; court records, dockets, and calendars; deeds, mortgages, and UCCs; assumed business name registrations; offenders and inmates; voter registration, genealogy records; genealogy records including marriages and deaths; GIS maps; and substantially more.
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Washtenaw County Washtenaw County, Michigan official county government website. |
Accident & Incident Reports Information on how to order a Washtenaw County accident or report, or obtain a copy online. |
Agendas & Minutes Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners, Ways and Means Committee, and Working Sessions meeting Agendas and Minutes. |
Assumed Business Names Enter the site and click on "Assumed Names (DBA)" to search records filed with the Washtenaw County Clerk/Register of Deeds. |
Attorneys Membership directory of the Washtenaw County Bar Association. |
Boards, Committees & Commissions Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners directory of appointments to Boards, Committees & Commissions. |
Business Directory Washtenaw County Area member business directory form the Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti Regional Chamber of Commerce. |
Campaign Finance Washtenaw County Clerk/Register's office database of campaign finance records. |
Cemetery Directory Index of interments in 187 cemeteries in Washtenaw County, including dates, cemetery maps, and gravestone photographs. |
Court | 22nd Circuit 22nd Circuit Court of Washtenaw County information. |
Court | 22nd Circuit Orders 22nd Circuit Court of Washtenaw County signed court orders searchable by Judge. |
Court | 22nd Circuit Records Washtenaw County 22nd Circuit Court civil, family, probate, criminal, and juvenile delinquency case records and court calendar. |
Court | District 14A 14A District Court of Washtenaw County website. |
Court | District 14A Dockets Court calendars and dockets for 14A District Court in Washtenaw County. |
Court | District 14A Traffic Tickets Washtenaw County District 14A Court traffic ticket case records and online payments. |
Court | District 14A Traffic Tickets Mediation Washtenaw County 14A District Court online traffic ticket mediation. Search your ticket, submit your request, and hope for the best. |
Court | District 14B Washtenaw County 14B District Court serving Ypsilanti Township. |
Court | District 14B Dockets & Calendar Washtenaw County 14B District Court in Ypsilanti Township docket search by jurist and courtroom, and court calendar. |
Court | District 14B Traffic Tickets District 14B Court of Washtenaw County traffic ticket search and payments. |
Court | District 14B Traffic Tickets Mediation Washtenaw County 14B District Court in Ypsilanti traffic ticket mediation online. |
Court | District 15 Washtenaw County 15th Judicial District Court in Ann Arbor home page. |
Court | District 15 Records 15th Judicial District Court in Ann Arbor case record search including civil, small claims, traffic, ordinance, criminal, infraction, and parking records. |
Court | District 15 Traffic Tickets Washtenaw County District 15 Court in Ann Arbor traffic ticket case records and online payments. |
Court | Juvenile Information about the Juvenile Court Division of Washtenaw County 22nd Circuit Court. |
Court | Probate Information about the Washtenaw County Probate Court. Click on "Search Cases and Calendar" for case records. |
Crime Map Washtenaw County Sheriff Office GIS map of recent crime incidents. |
Death Records Washtenaw County Clerk / Register Vital Records Division death record database. |
Directory | Department Washtenaw County directory of county department and organization phone numbers, addresses, and websites. |
Directory | Services Washtenaw County A-Z directory of county services. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch Genealogy guide and family histories for Washtenaw County from FamilySearch, including local and state records. |
Genealogy | Genealogical Society Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County genealogy records and resources, including atlases, maps, bible records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, and much more. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb MIGenWeb genealogy resources for Washtenaw County. |
Historic Resources Washtenaw County, Michigan historic resources GIS database of survey information, historic places, photos, maps, sketches, and aerial photographs. |
Inmates VineLink index of Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department offender records. |
Jobs Current job openings posted by the Washtenaw County Human Resources department. |
Marriage Records Washtenaw County Clerk / Register index of marriages recorded since 1965. |
Most Wanted Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office most wanted fugitives. |
Notaries Washtenaw County registered notary public search from the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Obituaries Ann Arbor News index of Washtenaw County obituaries. |
Permits Washtenaw County permit, license, or permit request status search. |
Polling Places Washtenaw County list of polling places. |
Property | Ann Arbor Charter Township Ann Arbor Charter Township property assessment, tax records, property sales, and utility billing records. |
Property | Augusta Charter Township Augusta Charter Township property and land, property sales, tax records, and utility billing search. |
Property | Barton Hills Village Village of Barton Hills property tax and utility billing searches. |
Property | Bridgewater Township Bridgewater Township property tax search and tax payments. |
Property | City of Ann Arbor City of Ann Arbor property tax, assessment, sales, and special assessment records. |
Property | City of Chelsea City of Chelsea property tax, assessment, and utility billing searches, and online tax and utility payments. |
Property | City of Dexter City of Dexter property tax, sales, assessment, utility records, and utility and tax payments. |
Property | City of Milan City of Milan property tax, assessment, and sales records; also permits, miscellaneous receivables, utilities, delinquent personal property records, and online payments. |
Property | City of Saline City of Saline property tax and utility payments, and online property tax, assessment, sales, and utility searches. |
Property | City of Ypsilanti City of Ypsilanti property, land, and tax records, and building department permit search. |
Property | County GIS GIS interactive map property database for Washtenaw County. |
Property | County Tax Records Property and tax record search from the Washtenaw County Treasurer and Equalization and Property Description Departments. |
Property | Dexter Township Dexter Township property tax, assessment, and sales record searches, and tax payments online. |
Property | Freedom Township Current property tax record search for Freedom Township. |
Property | Lima Township Property assessment and tax searches for Lima Township. |
Property | Lodi Township Property tax, sales, assessment records and tax payments for Lodi Township. |
Property | Lyndon Township Property, property sales, and tax record searches for Lyndon Township. |
Property | Manchester Township Property tax and assessment searches for Manchester Township. |
Property | Manchester Village Manchester Village property tax and utility billing searches and payments. |
Property | Northfield Township Northfield Township property assessment, tax, utility, and delinquent personal property records, and online payments. |
Property | Pittsfield Charter Township Pittsfield Charter Township property assessment, current tax, and sales records, utilities, permits, and utility & tax payments. |
Property | Salem Township Salem Township property, land, and property tax searches. |
Property | Saline Township Current tax record search for Saline Township. |
Property | Scio Township Scio Township property assessment, tax, and sales records, special assessments, utility records, and online payments. |
Property | Sharon Township Sharon Township property, property sales, and tax records. |
Property | Superior Charter Township Property assessment, sales, current tax, and utility billing searches for Superior Charter Township. |
Property | Sylvan Township Sylvan Township property records: assessments and current taxes. |
Property | Webster Township Property tax, assessment, sales records, and tax payments for Webster Township. |
Property | York Charter Township York Charter Township property, land, property sales, tax, and special assessment searches. |
Property | Ypsilanti Charter Township Ypsilanti Charter Township property assessment, tax, property sales, and building permit records. |
Recorded Documents Online recorded document index from the Washtenaw County Register Office. |
Restaurant Inspections | County Washtenaw County Environmental Health Department restaurant health inspection reports. |
Restaurant Inspections | University of Michigan University of Michigan Occupational Safety and Environmental Health campus food safety inspection reports. |
Sex Offenders Michigan State Police statewide offender registry, including Washtenaw County. |
Subdivision Plats Search for and view pdf images of Washtenaw County subdivision plats. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.