Tuscola County is located in east central Michigan. The County Seat is Caro and the largest city is Caro. The Official Web Site is located at http://www.tuscolacounty.org/. The 2014 population estimate is 54,000 and the 2010 census population was 55,729. The land area is 803.13 square miles and there are 69.4 persons per square mile.
96.7% of the population is White, 1.2% is Black or African American, 3.2% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.3% is Asian, 0.6% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.2% is two or more races. 86.8% have a high school degree or higher, and 12.7% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $95,700, there are 21,211 households, an average of 2.55 persons per household. The per capita income is $20,767, the median household income is $43,039, and 15.7% of the persons in Tuscola County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 4,377. Retail sales (in $1000) were $432,316, and sales per capita were $7,624.
Scroll down the page to search public records and county government information in Tuscola County, Michigan, including: city, township, and county property and tax records; deeds, mortgages, liens, and other recorded documents; court information; cemeteries & burial records; voter registration; tax maps; inmates; offenders, and more.
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Tuscola County Tuscola County, Michigan government website. |
Agendas & Minutes Tuscola County Board of Commissioners and Committee Agendas & Minutes. |
Business Directory | Caro City of Caro Chamber of Commerce member directory. |
Business Directory | Vassar City of Vassar Chamber of Commerce member directory. |
Cemetery Directory Searchable index of 61 cemeteries in Tuscola County, including burial records, dates, maps, and gravestone photographs. |
Court | 54th Circuit Information 54th Judicial Circuit Court of Tuscola County jurisdiction, case evaluation, and contact information. |
Court | 71B District Information Information about the Tuscola County 71B Judicial District Court, including jurisdiction, dockets, forms, sobriety court, civil and criminal division, and contact information. |
Court | Probate Information Tuscola County Probate Court dockets, fees, and information about estates, trusts, guardianships, and Wills. |
Death Records | Historic Tuscola County death records between 1875 and 1903. |
Delinquent Tax Payments Find and pay your Tuscola County delinquent taxes and State Education Taxes (SET) online. |
Directory Tuscola County department and courts phone directory. |
Directory | Local Officials Name, title, phone number, website, email, and address of Tuscola County city, township, and village officials. |
Forms Tuscola County clerk online forms. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch Tuscola County and Michigan genealogy records at FamilySearch. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb MIGenWeb directory of Tuscola County genealogy resources, including vital records, phone directories, census records, and more. |
Genealogy | Newspapers Rawson Memorial Library database of Cass City Chronicle and Cass City Enterprise articles published from the 1800s to present. |
Inmates | Vinelink Search Tuscola County inmate records by offender ID or name. |
Notaries Notary search statewide from the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Property | Cass City Village Village of Cass City property tax, utility billing, and miscellaneous receivables records. |
Property | City of Caro City of Caro property search. |
Property | City of Vassar City of Vassar property tax search. |
Property | Columbia Township Current property tax search for Columbia Township in Tuscola County. |
Property | County Tax & GIS Property and property tax records for Tuscola County. Use the Property Tax Search for a text query or the GIS interactive map. |
Property | Mayville Village Mayville Village property tax, utility billing searches, and online tax and utility payments. |
Property | Tuscola Township Tuscola Township property, land, and tax records. |
Property | Vassar Township Vassar Township property and land records. |
Recorded Documents Tuscola County Register of Deeds liens, mortgages, affidavits, agreements, death certificates, discharges, land corners, tax liens, lis pendens, plats, financing statements, surveys. |
Sex Offenders Use the Michigan sex offender registry to find offenders in the Tuscola County Area. |
Subdivision Plats State of Michigan digital images of Tuscola County subdivision plats. |
Tax Maps Township tax maps for Tuscola County in pdf format. |
Vital Records Information Information from the Tuscola County Clerk on how to request a search and obtain copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates. |
Voters Check your voter registration, find your polling places, or track your absentee ballot online. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.