St. Clair County is located in eastern Michigan. The County Seat is Port Huron and the largest city is Port Huron. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 160,078 and the 2010 census population was 163,040. The land area is 721.17 square miles and there are 226.1 persons per square mile.
94.4% of the population is White, 2.5% is Black or African American, 3.1% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.6% is Asian, 0.5% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.9% is two or more races. 89% have a high school degree or higher, and 16.3% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $121,600, there are 64,379 households, an average of 2.49 persons per household. The per capita income is $24,357, the median household income is $48,066, and 14.9% of the persons in St. Clair County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 13,054. Retail sales (in $1000) were $1,601,609, and sales per capita were $9,424. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 24.7%.
Scroll down the page to search county government and other public records in St. Clair County, Michigan, including: Circuit, District, and Probate Court dockets; Circuit and Distric Court records; city and township property assessment and tax records; utility records; GIS maps, interments, deeds, mortgages, military discharges, liens, UCCs, and more.
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St. Clair County Official St. Clair County, Michigan government website. |
Agendas & Minutes St. Clair County regular Board of Commissioners and county Committee Agendas and Minutes. |
Birth & Death Certificates Request a birth or death certificate online or by mail. |
Business Directory | Port Huron Port Huron Area of St. Clair County member business directory from the Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce. |
Business Directory | St. Clair City of St. Clair Chamber of Commerce member business directory. |
Cemetery Index Cemeteries and interments in St. Clair county, including maps and photographs. |
Court Dockets | Circuit, District, Probate St. Clair County 31st Circuit Court, 72nd District Court, Mental Health Court, and Probate Court hearing schedules. Search by date and judge or magistrate. |
Court Payments | 72nd District Online payments for the 72nd District Court in Marine City and the 72nd District Court in Port Huron. |
Court Records | 31st Circuit Michigan 31st Circuit Court St. Clair County court records and calendar search. |
Court Records | Circuit & District St. Clair County 72nd District Court and 31st Circuit Court records. |
Court | 31st Circuit 31st Judicial Circuit Court of St. Clair County jurisdiction, map, directions, jury, and contact information. |
Court | 72nd District Information 72nd District Court of St. Clair County forms, fines, costs, fees, court directory, jury information. |
Court | Directory St. Clair County court administration, records, payments, judicial offices, and probation and parole location and phone directory. |
Court | Mental Health Information Mental Health Division of the St. Clair County 72nd District Court. |
Court | Probate Information St. Clair County Probate Court information about hours, jurisdiction, estates, trusts, guardianships, conservatorships, and mental illness cases. |
Deaths & Marriages St. Clair County deaths recorded between 1868 and 1974, and marriages from 1838 through 1898. |
Directory St. Clair County directory of county departments, local governments, and state officials. |
Foreclosure Sales Sheriff Office weekly lists of foreclosure sales. |
Genealogy Genealogy, ancestry, and family history records in St. Clair County and Michigan statewide. |
Jobs Available jobs with St. Clair County government. |
Notary Public St. Clair County notary public search from the Secretary of State. |
Property | Berlin Township Current tax record search for Berlin Township. |
Property | Brockway Township Property assessment and sales records for Brockway Township. |
Property | Buel Township St. Clair Township property, property tax, building permit, and utility records. |
Property | Burtchville Township Current property tax search for Burtchville Township. |
Property | Casco Township Casco Township property records. |
Property | China Township China Township property tax and assessment records, property sales, utility billing records, and online utility and tax payments. |
Property | City & Township Tax Rolls Property tax rolls in St. Clair County listed by municipality. |
Property | City of Algonac Property tax, assessment, and sales record searches for the City of Algonac. |
Property | City of Marine City Marine City property, land, tax, and utility records. |
Property | City of Marysville City of Marysville property assessment, tax, sales, and utility records searches, and utility and tax bill payments. |
Property | City of Memphis City of Memphis property sales, current tax, assessment, and utility billing records. |
Property | City of Port Huron City of Port Huron property assessment, tax, rental, and sales records, building permits, and utility records. |
Property | City of Yale City of Yale property records, including assessments, current taxes, and property sales. |
Property | Clay Township Clay Township property tax, assessment, sales, special assessment, utility billing records, and online utility and tax payments. |
Property | Clyde Township Property sales, assessment, current tax, and utility records for Clyde Township. |
Property | Columbus Township Assessment and current property tax records for Columbus Township. |
Property | Cottrellville Township Cottrellville Township property, land, and current property tax records, sales comparables, utility records, special assessments, and delinquent personal property searches. |
Property | County GIS Interactive GIS parcel search for St. Clair County. |
Property | County Tax & Assessments St. Clair County Board of Equalization property tax, assessment, and valuation records. |
Property | East China Charter Township East China Charter Township property tax, assessment, sales, and utility records, and tax and utility payments online. |
Property | Emmett Township Property tax and assessment record search for Emmett Township. |
Property | Fort Gratiot Charter Township Fort Gratiot Charter Township property tax, assessment, and sales records, building permits, utilities, cemetery interment records, and online payments. |
Property | Ira Township Ira Township property, property tax, sales records, delinquent personal property, utility, and special assessment records. |
Property | Kenockee Township Kenockee Township property assessment and sales records. |
Property | Kimball Township Kimball Township tax and utility payments, and property assessment, tax, sales, and utility records. |
Property | Lynn Township Property tax, assessment and sales records for Lynn Township. |
Property | Mussey Township Mussey Township property tax and assessment searches. |
Property | Port Huron Township Port Huron Township assessment and property tax records. |
Property | Subdivision Plats State of Michigan statewide or county search for digital images of subdivision plats. |
Property | Wales Township Wales Township property tax records. |
Recorded Documents Register of Deeds for St. Clair County deeds, mortgages, and other land records. Document images available. |
Sex Offenders Sex offender registry search from the Michigan State Police. |
Voters Find the status of your county absentee ballot or voter registration. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.