Newaygo County is located in west central Michigan. The County Seat is White Cloud and the largest city is Fremont. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 47,900 and the 2010 census population was 48,460. The land area is 813.20 square miles and there are 59.6 persons per square mile.
96% of the population is White, 1.2% is Black or African American, 5.8% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.4% is Asian, 0.9% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.4% is two or more races. 85.9% have a high school degree or higher, and 12.9% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $104,100, there are 18,156 households, an average of 2.61 persons per household. The per capita income is $20,623, the median household income is $42,571, and 18.6% of the persons in Newaygo County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 4,235. Retail sales (in $1000) were $355,262, and sales per capita were $7,213. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 30.1%.
Use the links below to find public records, and government and court services in Newaygo County such as county and municipal property records, Board of Commissioners Agendas & Minutes, offenders, marriages, recorded documents, businesses, notaries, cemetery records, inmates, voter registration, genealogy records, GIS map parcel records, and more.
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Newaygo County Newaygo County, Michigan government website. |
Agendas & Minutes Current and archived Agendas, Minutes, and meeting videos from the Newaygo County Board of Commissioners. |
Business Directory Directory of Newaygo County Area member businesses from the River Country Chamber of Commerce. |
Cemeteries & Interments FindAGrave index of almost 70 Newaygo County cemeteries, including interments, cemetery maps, photos, birth and death dates, and more. |
Census | 1860 Western Michigan Genealogy Society 1860 census records for Newaygo and surrounding counties. |
Court | 27th Circuit Information 27th Circuit Court of Newaygo County jurisdiction, contact, Judge, and Division information. |
Court | 78th District Information 78th District Court or Newaygo County contact and jurisdiction information, fees and fines. |
Court | 78th District Payments 78th District Court online payment service. |
Court | Probate Information Newaygo County Probate Court mission, jurisdiction, contact, and fee information. |
Directory Newaygo County department directory. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch guide to family histories and genealogy Newaygo County. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb Newaygo County genealogy databases, links, resources from MIGenWeb. |
Inmates | VineLink Newaygo County Sheriff Office inmate records by offender ID or name. |
Marriages Fremont Area District Library marriage database searchable by name or date. |
Notaries Michigan Secretary of State index of registered notaries in Newaygo County. |
Obituaries Fremont Area District Library obituary database. |
Pet Licenses Newaygo County animal license database. Find pet licenses by address, name, parcel, or animal license number. |
Property | Ashland Township Property assessment, current tax record, and property sales searches for Ashland Township in Newaygo County. |
Property | Brooks Township Brooks Township property, land, sales comparables, and tax record searches. |
Property | City of Fremont Property assessment, utility billing, property sales, tax records, and online payments for the City of Fremont. |
Property | City of Grant Property, land, comparables, current tax, and utility billing records for the City of Grant. |
Property | City of Newaygo City of Newaygo property assessment, tax, sales, special assessment, miscellaneous receivables, and utility billing records. |
Property | City of White Cloud Property assessment, current tax, and property sales record searches for the City of White Cloud in Newaygo County. |
Property | County GIS GIS interactive map parcel search for Newaygo County. |
Property | County Tax & Assessments Property assessment and delinquent tax records for Newaygo County. |
Property | Croton Township Property tax records for Croton Township in Newaygo County. |
Property | Dayton Township Dayton Township current property tax records. |
Property | Denver Township Current tax record search for Denver Township. |
Property | Ensley Township Property tax and assessment record searches for Ensley Township. |
Property | Everett Township Property, assessment, current tax, and property sales records for Everett Township. |
Property | Garfield Township Garfield Township in Newaygo County property assessment and sales records. |
Property | Grant Township Property, tax, assessment, and property sales records for Grant Township in Newaygo County. |
Property | Lilley Township Lilley Township property sales, tax, and assessment record searches. |
Recorded Documents Register of Deeds for Newaygo County deeds, mortgages, affidavits, assignments, leases, and other recorded documents. |
Sex Offenders Registry of Michigan statewide and Newaygo County sex offenders from the State Police. |
Subdivision Plats Searchable index of subdivision plat digital images from Newaygo County. |
Vital Records Information Information on how to obtain certified copies of birth, marriage, and death records from the Newaygo County Clerk. |
Voters Check your Newaygo County voter registration or absentee ballot. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.