Muskegon County is located in west central Michigan. The County Seat is Muskegon and the largest city is Muskegon. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 172,344 and the 2010 census population was 172,188. The land area is 499.25 square miles and there are 344.9 persons per square mile.
81.4% of the population is White, 14.2% is Black or African American, 5.2% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.7% is Asian, 1% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.7% is two or more races. 88% have a high school degree or higher, and 17.2% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $100,900, there are 65,008 households, an average of 2.54 persons per household. The per capita income is $20,621, the median household income is $40,979, and 19.9% of the persons in Muskegon County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 11,233. Retail sales (in $1000) were $1,656,745, and sales per capita were $9,507. The percentage of black-owned firms is 5%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 27.3%.
Scroll down the page to find county government and other public records in Muskegon County, including court records, schedules & dockets, assumed business name filings filings, deaths, marriages, countywide, city, and township property records, deeds and mortgages, and much more.
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Muskegon County Official government website for Muskegon County, Michigan. |
Arrests Sheriff Office search for arrest records and reports. |
Assumed Business Names Muskegon County Clerk Assumed Business Name / DBA registration records. |
Board Agendas Board of Commissioners for Muskegon County Agendas listed by month. |
Board Minutes Minutes from the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners meetings. |
Business Directory Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce member business directory. |
Cemetery Directory Searchable index of over 70 Muskegon County cemeteries, including interment information, cemetery maps, and gravestone photographs. |
Court | 14th Circuit Information 14th Circuit of Muskegon County information about jurisdiction, family and juvenile court proceedings, forms and publications, jury service, adoption, guardianship, and more. |
Court | 14th Circuit Judges & Dockets Judges and docket information from the Clerk of the Muskegon County Circuit Court. |
Court | 14th Circuit Records Record search for the 14th Circuit Court in Muskegon County. |
Court | 14th Circuit Schedule 14th Circuit Court of Muskegon County hearing schedule. |
Court | 60th District Information 60th District Court of Muskegon County general and Division information. |
Court | 60th District Dockets Court schedule search for the 60th District Court. |
Court | Probate Information Muskegon County Probate Court information, location, hours, fees, forms. |
Court | Probate Hearing Schedule Probate Court of Muskingum County hearing schedule search. |
Court | Probate Records Probate Court of Muskegon County record search by name or case number. |
Death Records Muskegon County Genealogical Society death records covering 1867 through 1965. |
Deaths & Marriages Marriage license and death certificate searches from the Muskegon County Clerk's Office. |
Department Directory Muskegon County department and phone directory. |
Directory Muskegon County municipality and county directory. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch guide and resource for Muskegon County genealogy. |
Genealogy | Genealogical Society Excellent collection of genealogy databases from the Muskegon County Genealogical Society. |
Incident Reports Sheriff Office incident reports by date, name or address. |
Inmates | County Jail Muskegon County Jail inmate search and inmate deposit service. |
Inmates | Sheriff Office Muskegon County Sheriff Office inmate query. |
Inmates | Vinelink VineLink index of Muskegon County Sheriff's Office inmate records searchable by offender ID or name. |
Jobs Muskegon County government job opportunities. |
Marriages | 1859-1945 Muskegon County Genealogical Society marriage record index covering 1859 through 1945. |
Notaries Muskegon County notary registration search from the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Ordinances Muskegon County ordinances. |
Property | City of Muskegon Property, tax record, special assessment, utility billing searches, and online tax and utility payments for the City of Muskegon. |
Property | City of North Muskegon City of North Muskegon property, assessment, tax, property sales, special assessment, utility billing records, online utility and tax payments. |
Property | City of Norton Shores City of Norton Shores property and tax records. |
Property | City of Roosevelt Park Property, assessment, current tax, property sales, and utility billing searches for the City of Roosevelt Park. |
Property | County Assessment & Tax Records Property and land records, sales comparables, current and delinquent tax records for Muskegon County. |
Property | Dalton Township Dalton Township property, land, and property tax record searches. |
Property | Fruitland Township Property, assessment, tax, and property sales searches for Fruitland Township in Muskegon County. |
Property | Fruitport Charter Township Property, tax, special assessment, utility billing record searches, and online tax, assessment, and online utility bill payments for Fruitport Charter Township. |
Property | Laketon Township Laketon Township tax and utility payment service, online property assessment, tax, and utility bill searches. |
Property | Muskegon Charter Township Muskegon Charter Township assessment, property tax, and utility billing records. |
Property | Whitehall Township Whitehall Township property and tax record searches. |
Recorded Documents Muskegon County Register of Deeds recorded document search. |
Recorded Documents | Home Security The Register of Deeds Office offers this service to help you prevent fraud by verifying your filed land records. |
Sex Offenders Michigan State Police registry search for offenders in the Muskegon County area. |
Subdivision Plats Searchable index of images of subdivision plats in Muskegon County. |
Vital Records Information Muskegon County Clerk information about and forms for requesting copies of vital records. |
Voters Voter registration check and absentee ballot status for Muskegon County. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.