Missaukee County is located in north central Michigan. The County Seat is Lake City and the largest city is Lake City. The Official Web Site is located at http://www.missaukee.org/. The 2014 population estimate is 15,037 and the 2010 census population was 14,849. The land area is 564.73 square miles and there are 26.3 persons per square mile.
97% of the population is White, 0.4% is Black or African American, 2.4% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.4% is Asian, 0.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.5% is two or more races. 86% have a high school degree or higher, and 13% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $99,400, there are 5,891 households, an average of 2.50 persons per household. The per capita income is $20,305, the median household income is $41,061, and 15.1% of the persons in Missaukee County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 1,603. Retail sales (in $1000) were $91,893, and sales per capita were $6,143. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 17.5%.
Scroll down the page to find county government and other public records in Missauki County, Michigan, including city and county property assessment and tax records, cemeteries & interments, voter registration, notaries, court information, pet licenses, and more.
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Missaukee County Missaukee County, Michigan government official website. |
Adoptable Pets Dogs, cats, and rabbits that are adoptable from the Missaukee Humane Society. |
Business Directory Lake City Area Chamber of Commerce member directory. |
Cemeteries & Interments Searchable index of 29 cemeteries in Missaukee County. Includes cemetery maps, interment records, and many gravestone photos. |
Court | 28th Circuit Information 28th Circuit Court of Missaukee County information. |
Court | 84th District Information 84th District of Missaukee County information and instructions on how to request case searches. |
Court | Probate Information Probate Court of Missaukee County information. |
Documents & Forms Building department, Missaukee County Clerk, equalization department, freedom of information, parks department, and register of deeds documents and forms. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch genealogy and family histories in Missaukee County. |
Genealogy | MI Family History Michigan Family History genealogy resources for Missaukee County, including census records, 1871-1887 marriages, military records, pensioners, death records, and more. |
Inmates | VineLink VineLink database of Missaukee County Sheriff's Office offender records. |
Meetings & Agendas Upcoming Board of Commissioners meetings and current Agendas. |
Notaries Missaukee County notary registration search from the Secretary of State. |
Pet Licenses Find Missaukee County pet license registrations by animal or owner name, address, or license number. |
Property | Forest Township Forest Township property tax records. |
Property | Lake Township Property, assessment records, current tax search, property sales, and utility billing records for Lake Township. |
Property | Bloomfield Township Bloomfield Township property tax records and online tax payments. |
Property | Caldwell Township Property tax records and online tax payments for Caldwell Township in Missaukee County. |
Property | City of Lake City Current property tax records and tax payment service for the City of Lake City. |
Property | City of McBain City of McBain property tax records and online payments. |
Property | Enterprise Township Property assessment and sales records for Enterprise Township in Missaukee County. |
Property | Riverside Township Property and current tax records for Riverside Township. |
Recorded Documents Information Missaukee County Register of Deeds home page and information on how to record documents and order searches. |
Sex Offenders Registry of local sex offenders from the Michigan State Police. |
Subdivision Plats Find and download Missaukee County pdf format images of subdivision plats. |
Vital Records Information Information from the Missaukee County Clerk on how to order birth and death certificates and copies of marriage licenses. |
Voters Check the status of your voter registration in Missaukee County. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.