Livingston County is located in southeast Michigan. The County Seat is Howell and the largest city is Howell. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 185,596 and the 2010 census population was 180,967. The land area is 565.25 square miles and there are 320.2 persons per square mile.
96.8% of the population is White, 0.6% is Black or African American, 2.2% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.9% is Asian, 0.4% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.3% is two or more races. 94.4% have a high school degree or higher, and 32.9% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $183,100, there are 67,691 households, an average of 2.68 persons per household. The per capita income is $32,129, the median household income is $72,359, and 6.2% of the persons in Livingston County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 17,856. Retail sales (in $1000) were $2,059,768, and sales per capita were $11,260. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0.3%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 29.1%.
Use the links below to find government and court services and public records in Livingston County such as county, city, and township property tax and assessment records, utility billing, deeds and mortgages, offenders, Agendas & Minutes, cemetery records, court records, court schedules, voter registration, genealogy records, obituaries, maps, and more.
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Livingston County Government of Livingston County, Michigan official website. |
Agendas & Minutes Livingston County Board of Commissioners and Committee meeting agendas and minutes. |
Business Directory Directory of Livingston County member businesses from the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce. |
Cemeteries & Graves Index of 115 cemeteries in Livingston County, including interment records, cemetery maps, and grave photographs. |
Cities Towns & Villages Directory of municipalities in Livingston County, including web sites, phone, and fax numbers. |
Courts Livingston County 44th Circuit Court, 53rd District Court, and Juvenile & Family Court jurisdiction and Judge information, court costs, specialty courts and programs. |
Courts | Directory Livingston County Courts department, phone, fax, and email directory. |
Courts | Hearings Livingston County 44th Circuit Court, 53rd District Court, and Probate and Juvenile Court Dockets. Displays hearings for the next two weeks. |
Courts | Hearings Schedules Court hearing schedules for Circuit, District, Juvenile, and Probate courts. |
Courts | Records Pay Site Livingston County Circuit Court, District Court, and Juvenile & Family Court records. Fees for both searches and case histories. |
Deaths | 1867-1948 Livingston County deaths recorded between 1867 and 1948. |
Directory Department directory for Livingston County, including maps, email addresses, phone and fax numbers. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch genealogy and ancestry records for Michigan and Livingston County. |
Genealogy | MI Family History Genealogy records for Livingston County from Michigan Family History. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb MIGenWeb directory of genealogy resources in Livingston County, including census, probate, land, cemetery, and vital records. |
Inmates | VineLink Livingston County Sheriff's Office inmate records by name or Offender ID. |
Notaries Notary index from the Michigan Secretary of State searchable statewide or narrow your search to Livingston County. |
Obituaries Brighton District Library list of Livingston County obituaries. |
Parks GIS map of parks in Livingston County. |
Pet Adoptions Animal Control Department search for adoptable pets. |
Property | Brighton Township Property assessment, tax, sales, and special assessment records for Brighton Township. |
Property | City of Brighton City of Brighton property assessment, current tax, property sales, special assessment, utility billing, and pet license records, and tax and utility payments. |
Property | City of Howell City of Howell property assessment, current tax, delinquent personal property, sales, special assessment, pet license, and utility billing records, and an online payment service. |
Property | Cohoctah Township Property tax and assessment records for Cohoctah Township. |
Property | Conway Township Property, land, property sales, and current tax records for Conway Township. |
Property | County Tax & Assessment Real and personal property records from the Livingston County Treasurer and the Equalization Office. |
Property | Deerfield Township Property sales, tax, and assessment records for Deerfield Township in Livingston County. |
Property | Fowlerville Village Village of Fowlerville property and current tax records, utility billing records, and cemetery management search. |
Property | Genoa Township Property tax and assessment records, and online tax payments for Genoa Township. |
Property | Green Oak Township Green Oak Township property, assessment, permit, tax, property sale, special assessment, utility billing, and pet license records. |
Property | Handy Township Property and land, comparables, and tax records for Handy Township. |
Property | Hartland Township Hartland Township property assessment, tax, and sales records, and online tax payments. |
Property | Howell Township Property, assessment, tax, and utility billing records, and online utility and tax payments for Howell Township. |
Property | Marion Township Marion Township property, tax, assessment, special assessment, and pet license records. |
Property | Oceola Township Oceola Township property, tax, and sales comparables records. |
Property | Pinckney Village Village of Pinckney property tax and utility billing records. |
Property | Putnam Township Putnam Township property, tax, and assessment records, animal license search, and online tax payments. |
Property | Tyrone Township Tyrone Township property, assessment, tax, delinquent personal property, property sales, utility billing, and animal license records. |
Property | Unadilla Township Unadilla Township property, tax records, special assessment records, and pet license search. |
Recorded Documents Livingston County Register of Deeds online land records search. |
Restaurant Inspections Food service and restaurant inspection reports from the Livingston County Health Department. |
Sex Offenders Michigan State Police registry of statewide and Livingston County sex offenders. |
Subdivision Plats Searchable database of digital images of subdivision plats in Livingston County. |
Vital Records Pay Site Livingston County Clerk birth, death, and marriage certificates online. |
Voters Find the status of your Livingston County voter registration or absentee ballot. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.