Kent County is located in west central Michigan. The County Seat is Grand Rapids and the largest city is Grand Rapids. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 629,237 and the 2010 census population was 602,622. The land area is 846.95 square miles and there are 711.5 persons per square mile.
83.6% of the population is White, 10.3% is Black or African American, 10% is Hispanic or Latino, 2.6% is Asian, 0.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.7% is two or more races. 89.4% have a high school degree or higher, and 31.7% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $137,500, there are 229,373 households, an average of 2.61 persons per household. The per capita income is $25,889, the median household income is $51,667, and 15.5% of the persons in Kent County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 52,369. Retail sales (in $1000) were $8,058,005, and sales per capita were $13,377. The percentage of black-owned firms is 6%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 29.5%.
Use the links below to find public records and information about government and court services in Kent County such as county, city, and township property records, deeds and mortgages, inmate records, circuit and district court records, marriages and deaths, notaries, cemetery and burial records, voter registration, subdivision plats, genealogy records, plats, and more.
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Kent County Official government website for Kent County, Michigan. |
Agendas & Minutes Searchable database of Kent County Commissioners and Standing Committee meeting agendas and minutes. |
Assumed Business Names (DBA) Kent County DBA / assumed business name filing search. |
Buildings & Maps Kent County buildings and facilities, online maps and directions. |
Business Directory Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce member directory of local Kent County businesses. |
Buyer & Commodity Codes Kent County Purchasing Division buyer and commodity codes. |
Cemetery Directory Searchable index of 168 cemeteries in Kent County. Includes cemetery maps, interment records, and many grave site photos. |
Census | 1860 Western Michigan Genealogy Society database of Kent County 1860 census records. |
Commissioners | GIS Map Use the GIS map or do a property search to find your Kent County Commissioner. |
Court | 17th Circuit Information 17th Circuit Court of Kent County mission, overview, address, hours, contact information, jury duty, services. |
Court | 17th Circuit Certified Divorce Judgments Pay Site Order certified copies of 17th Circuit Court divorce judgments. |
Court | 17th Circuit Hearings 17th Circuit Court Hearing Schedule searchable by name and/or date. |
Court | 17th Circuit Motion Calendar Kent County 17th Circuit Court Judge's calendar search. |
Court | 17th Circuit Payments Find 17th Circuit Court cases and make payments online. |
Court | 17th Circuit Phone Directory 17th Circuit Court clerk, case management, finance, civil, criminal, family divisions phone numbers. |
Court | 17th Circuit Records Kent County 17th Circuit Court civil, domestic, and criminal case records. |
Court | 61st District Information The 61st District Court in Kent County is responsible for cases withing the City of Grand Rapids. |
Court | 61st District Payments 61st District Court of Grand Rapids online court payment service. |
Court | 61st District Records Grand Rapids 61st District Court case records, including civil, criminal, traffic filings, and online payments. |
Court | 63rd District Information Kent County 63rd District Court mission statement, judges, address, hours, and phone numbers. |
Court | 63rd District Payments 63rd District Court of Kent County case information search and online payments. |
Court | e-Juror Check the status of your jury summons, submit an excuse, or complete the questionnaire. |
Court | Probate Information Kent County Probate Court jurisdiction, location, hours, phone numbers, and information on guardianship, trusts, Wills and estates, conservatorships, and general topics. |
Court | Probate Certified Letters Pay Site Find and order Kent County probate case conservatorship, guardianship, name change, and personal representative certified letters. |
Court | Probate Hearing Schedule Find Kent County probate court schedules by party name or case number. |
Court | Probate Records Kent County Probate Court case record search. |
Court | Tickets & Fines Traffic ticket case search and online payments for Kent County. |
Deaths Deaths recorded in Kent County since 1965. |
Directory Directory of Kent County departments and officials. |
Dog Licenses | Ownership Status Find your Kent County dog license status and change the license online. |
Dog Licenses | Renewal Kent County Health Department records for dog license renewal. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch genealogy records and guide to genealogy in Kent County. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb MiGenWeb collection of online genealogy databases for Kent County. |
Genealogy | WMGS Western Michigan Genealogy Society databases, including church, veteran, and census records, newspaper death notices and obituaries, Kent County deaths and marriages, and more. |
Inmates Kent County Sheriff Office currently incarcerated inmates. |
Jobs Kent County job opportunities and online application process. |
Marriages Marriages recorded in Kent County since 1989. |
Marriages | 1845-1929 Michigan GenWeb database of marriages recorded in Kent County between 1845 and 1929. |
Notaries Kent County notary registration index from the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Property | Ada Township Property, land, tax record, and utility billing records for Ada Township. |
Property | Algoma Township Property assessment, tax records, utility billing records, and tax payments for Algoma Township. |
Property | Alpine Township Property assessment, current tax records, property sales, utility records, and online payments for Alpine Township. |
Property | Bowne Township Bowne Township property assessment, current tax, and property sales records. |
Property | Byron Township Byron Township property, land, special assessment, utility billing, and current tax records. |
Property | Caledonia Charter Township Charter Township of Caledonia property assessment, current tax, delinquent personal property, special assessment, utility billing, building permit, and cemetery records. |
Property | Cannon Township Property, land, property tax, and utility billing records for Cannon Township in Kent County. |
Property | Cascade Township Property assessment, tax, special assessment, and sales records, permit records, and online permit payments for Cascade Township. |
Property | City of Cedar Springs Property and land, current taxes, special assessments, delinquent personal property, and miscellaneous receivable records for the City of Cedar Springs. |
Property | City of East Grand Rapids City of East Grand Rapids property, assessment, current tax, delinquent personal property, miscellaneous receivables records, property sales, and utility billing records. Also available: online payments. |
Property | City of Grand Rapids Property assessment and tax records, property sales, miscellaneous receivables records, and online payments for the City of Grand Rapids. |
Property | City of Grandville City of Grandville property, assessment, current tax, delinquent personal property, property sales, and utility billing records, and payments online. |
Property | City of Kentwood City of Kentwood land and property, assessment comparables, current tax, building permit, utility billing, and delinquent personal property records. |
Property | City of Lowell Property, current tax, assessment, utility billing, and delinquent personal property records for the City of Lowell in Kent County. |
Property | City of Rockford City of Rockford property assessment, current tax, special assessment, miscellaneous receivables, utility billing records, and online payments. |
Property | City of Walker City of Walker property and land, property sales, and current tax records. |
Property | City of Wyoming City of Wyoming property, assessment, current tax, special assessment, miscellaneous receivables, permit, and utility billing records. |
Property | County Assessments Kent County assessment property search. |
Property | County Tax & Assessments Kent County Treasurer and Equalization Offices parcel assessment values and tax records. |
Property | Courtland Township Courtland Township property tax, assessment, and property sales records. |
Property | Gaines Charter Township Property and land, tax record, utility billing, and permit records for Gaines Charter Township. |
Property | GIS Kent County GIS map parcel search. |
Property | Grattan Township Property assessment and current tax records for Grattan Township in Kent County. |
Property | Lowell Charter Township Property assessment and current tax records for Lowell Charter Township. |
Property | Oakfield Township Oakfield Township property, assessment, current tax, and property sales records. |
Property | Plainfield Charter Township Plainfield Charter Township property and land, sales records, current tax, special assessment, building permit, and delinquent personal property records. |
Property | Solon Township Property, assessment, sales, current tax, and delinquent personal property records for Solon Township. |
Property | Sparta Township Sparta Township property, land, property sales, current tax, and building permit records. |
Property | Spencer Township Property, land, and current tax records for Spencer Township in Kent County. |
Property | Tyrone Township Tyrone Township property, land, assessment comparables, tax, and building permit records. |
Property | Vergennes Township Vergennes Township property assessment, current tax, rental property, and property sales records. |
Recorded Documents Recorded document index from the Kent County Register of Deeds. |
Restaurant Inspection Reports Kent County restaurant and food service establishment critical violation reports. |
Sex Offenders Statewide registry of Michigan sex offenders from the State Police. |
Subdivision Plats Search for and download images of Kent County subdivision plats. |
Vital Records Order Kent County birth and death certificates and marriage licenses online. |
Voters Check the status of your Kent County voter registration. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.