Kalkaska County is located in north central Michigan. The County Seat is Kalkaska and the largest city is Kalkaska. The Official Web Site is located at http://www.kalkaskacounty.net/. The 2014 population estimate is 17,394 and the 2010 census population was 17,153. The land area is 559.87 square miles and there are 30.6 persons per square mile.
96.5% of the population is White, 0.5% is Black or African American, 1.7% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.3% is Asian, 0.9% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.7% is two or more races. 85.9% have a high school degree or higher, and 12.1% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $98,800, there are 7,035 households, an average of 2.40 persons per household. The per capita income is $20,258, the median household income is $40,140, and 16.3% of the persons in Kalkaska County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 1,414. Retail sales (in $1000) were $144,117, and sales per capita were $8,400. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 41.6%.
Use the links below to find public records, government and court services in Kalkaska County such as: property records; Circuit, Probate, and District Court records; Board of Commissioners Minutes; offenders; recorded documents; notaries; genealogy; cemetery records; inmates, voter registration; genealogy records; GIS maps; and more.
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Kalkaska County Kalkaska County Community Center official government website. |
Cemeteries & Interments Searchable database of 25 cemeteries in Kalkaska County, including cemetery maps, interment details, and gravestone photographs. |
Courts Information Kalkaska County Courts information, locations, tickets, forms, jury information, operations, divisions, and contacts. |
Courts | Calendars Kalkaska County 87B District Court, 46th Circuit Court, and Probate Court calendars. |
Courts | Records 46th Circuit Court Kalkaska County Division, 87-B District Court, and Probate Court of Kalkaska County case records. |
Death Records Organize the list by county to view Kalkaska County death certificated filed between 1897 and 1920. |
Directory Kalkaska County department directory. |
Elected Officials Links to Kalkaska County elected officials pages, including the Board of Commissioners, County Clerk, Prosecutor, Register of Deeds, Road Commission, Sheriff, and Treasurer. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch genealogy, ancestry, and family history records and information for Kalkaska County. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb Kalkaska County genealogy records from MIGenWeb, including census records, biographies, military records, and vital records. |
GIS Maps Kalkaska County Maps, including property assessment and taxes, school districts, land use, soils maps, and census maps. |
Inmates | Vinelink VineLink index of Kalkaska County Sheriff's Office offender records. |
Minutes Board of Commissioners, committee, and public hearing Minutes for Kalkaska County. |
Notaries Find Kalkaska County notaries registered with the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Property | County GIS Interactive GIS property ownership, assessment, and tax record map search for Kalkaska County. |
Property | County Tax & Assessments Kalkaska County Equalization Department property, tax, and assessment search. |
Recorded Documents Pay Site Information on how to access the Kalkaska County Register of Deeds land records from May 1992 to present. |
Sex Offenders Kalkaska County sex offender search from the Michigan State Police offender registry. |
Subdivision Plats Searchable index of images of Kalkaska County subdivision plats from the Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes. |
Vital Records Information Kalkaska County vital record information and forms. |
Voters Michigan Voter Information Center voter registration search for Kalkaska County. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.