Ingham County is located in south central Michigan. The County Seat is Mason and the largest city is Lansing. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 284,582 and the 2010 census population was 280,891. The land area is 556.12 square miles and there are 505.1 persons per square mile.
77.9% of the population is White, 12.2% is Black or African American, 7.6% is Hispanic or Latino, 5.6% is Asian, 0.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 3.7% is two or more races. 91.1% have a high school degree or higher, and 36.5% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $120,500, there are 108,823 households, an average of 2.41 persons per household. The per capita income is $24,754, the median household income is $45,321, and 21.9% of the persons in Ingham County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 22,700. Retail sales (in $1000) were $3,156,158, and sales per capita were $11,328. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 31.3%.
Scroll down the page to find government public records and services in Ingham County such as city, county, township, and village property records, court records, court dockets, offenders, burials, deeds, mortgages, marriages, deaths, assumed business names, and more.
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Ingham County The official government website for Ingham County, Michigan. |
Assumed Business Names Click on "Search Business Filings" to search Ingham County Clerk records for Assumed Business Name filings (DBAs) and Co-Partnership Applications. |
Assumed Business Names | by Week Click on "Weekly Business Filings" to find Ingham County Clerk Assumed Business Name filings listed by week filed. |
Board of Commissioners Resolutions Resolutions adopted by the Ingham County Board of Commissioners. |
Business Directory Ingham County Area member business directory from the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce. |
Cemeteries & Burials Cemeteries, cemetery maps, and burials in Ingham County from FindAGrave. |
Court Daily Dockets | Circuit & Probate Ingham County Probate and Circuit Courts daily hearing schedules. |
Court Dockets | Circuit & Probate 30th Judicial Circuit Court and Probate Court of Ingham County hearing schedule search. |
Court Dockets | District 55th Judicial District Court of Ingham County docket search. |
Court Payments | Circuit & Probate Ingham County Probate Court and 30th Judicial Circuit (including juvenile records) case search and online payments. |
Court Records | Circuit & Probate Ingham County Probate Court and 30th Judicial Circuit Court records. |
Court Records | District 55th Judicial District Court of Ingham County court record search. |
Court Warrants | 55th District Current warrant list from the Ingham County 55th District Court. |
Court | 30th Judicial Circuit Court Information Ingham County 30th Judicial Circuit Court general, trial, family, jurisdiction and Clerk's Office information. |
Court | 55th Judicial District Court Information Ingham County 55th Judicial District Court contact information, forms, directions, Judges, Divisions, and reports. |
Court | Probate Information Probate Court of Ingham County information about guardianship, estates, conservatorships, services, hours, address, contacts, and forms. |
Court | Tickets Find and pay your Ingham County traffic tickets. |
Death Records Ingham County Clerk's Office death records by decedent name and/or date of death. Registration required. |
Departments Ingham County department directory. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch history, books, places, bible records, census records, biographies, and genealogy records for Ingham County. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb MIGenWeb genealogy resources for Ingham County, including census records, maps, funeral homes, postcards, photos, school yearbooks, and more. |
Inmates | County Ingham County Jail inmate search. |
Inmates | VineLink Ingham County Sheriff's Office inmate records by name and optionally by date of birth or age range. |
Jobs Ingham County Human Resources Department list of current job openings. |
Land Bank Residential and commercial properties available through the Ingham County Land Bank. |
Marriages County Clerk of Ingham County marriage records. |
Notaries Michigan Secretary of State registered notaries in Ingham County. |
Ordinances Ingham County adopted ordinances. |
Pet Adoption Ingham County animal adoption and lost pets. |
Property | Aurelius Township Property, land, and tax records for Aurelius Township. |
Property | Bunker Hill Township Property, land, tax records, and sales comparables for Bunker Hill Township. |
Property | City of East Lansing City of East Lansing property, tax records, sales comparables, permits, special assessments, and delinquent personal property tax records. |
Property | City of Lansing City of Lansing assessments, property tax, sales records, special assessments, and payments. |
Property | City of Leslie Property records for the City of Leslie, including property, land, tax records, utility billing, and special assessments. |
Property | City of Mason City of Mason property, tax, assessment, sales, and utility billing records. |
Property | City of Williamston City of Williamston property assessments, tax records, utility records, and tax and utility payments. |
Property | County Delinquent Taxes Delinquent taxpayer records for Ingham County. |
Property | County Tax & GIS Ingham County Equalization Tax Mapping GIS interactive parcel search. |
Property | County Tax Records Ingham County property, land, and tax records. |
Property | Delhi Charter Township Delhi Charter Township property assessment, tax, sales, and special assessment records, building permits, utility billing, and permit, tax, and utility payment services. |
Property | Ingham Township Ingham Township property tax records. |
Property | Lansing Township Lansing Township property tax and assessment records, property sales, and special assessment search. |
Property | Meridian Charter Township Property records for Meridian Charter Township, including assessments, permits, tax records, special assessments, rental property, and property sales. |
Property | Onondaga Township Onondaga Township property sales, assessment records, and current tax records. |
Property | Stockbridge Township Property assessment, current tax, and property sales records for Stockbridge Township. |
Property | Vevay Township Property, land, tax records, and assessment comparables searches for Vevay Township. |
Property | Village of Stockbridge Village of Stockbridge property tax records and utility billing search. |
Property | Village of Webberville Webberville Village tax records, utility billing, and property tax and utility payments. |
Property | White Oak Township Property assessment and current tax searches for White Oak Township. |
Recorded Documents Ingham County Register of Deeds recorded documents. Free and fee-based search options are provided. |
Restaurant Inspection Reports Ingham County Health Department food service and restaurant inspection reports. |
Sex Offenders Michigan State Police registry of sex offenders statewide or limit your search to the Ingham County Area. |
Subdivision Plats Search for and download pdf maps of subdivision plats in Ingham County. |
Vital Records Information Birth, death and marriage license record information from the Ingham County Clerk. |
Voters View the status of your Ingham County voter registration or absentee ballot. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.