Calhoun County is located in south central Michigan. The County Seat is Marshall and the largest city is Battle Creek. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 134,878 and the 2010 census population was 136,148. The land area is 706.23 square miles and there are 192.8 persons per square mile.
83.2% of the population is White, 11.1% is Black or African American, 4.7% is Hispanic or Latino, 1.9% is Asian, 0.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 3.1% is two or more races. 88.8% have a high school degree or higher, and 19.5% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $98,300, there are 53,428 households, an average of 2.47 persons per household. The per capita income is $22,978, the median household income is $42,110, and 17.8% of the persons in Calhoun County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 9,618. Retail sales (in $1000) were $1,571,317, and sales per capita were $11,496. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 30.5%.
Scroll down the page and use the links below to search for public records and find information about government services in Calhoun County.
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Calhoun County Government of Calhoun County, Michigan official website. |
Assumed Business Names (DBA) Calhoun County Clerk and Register of Deeds records for DBA assumed business names. |
Burials | Cemeteries & Interments Directory from FindAGrave of Calhoun County cemeteries and index of interments, including cemetery maps, interment dates, and grave site photos. |
Court Records | 10th District Court 10th District Court Register of Actions. Find case records by name or case number. |
Court | 10th District Information 10th District Court of Calhoun County. |
Court | 37th Circuit Information 37th District Court of Calhoun County information. |
Court | Probate Information Calhoun County probate court information. |
Deaths Clerk and Register of Deeds for Calhoun County death record query. |
Directory Searchable directory of county departments and services. |
Documents & Forms Calhoun County forms, reports, permits, and other documents. |
Inmates | Vinelink VineLink index of Calhoun County offender records. |
Jobs Job postings with Calhoun County government. |
Marriages Calhoun County Clerk and Register of Deeds marriage record search. |
Notaries Find notaries in Calhoun County that are registered with the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Property | Athens Township Property, land, and tax records for Athens Township. |
Property | Bedford Charter Township Property assessments, permits, tax records, online payments, and special assessment records for Bedford Charter Township. |
Property | City of Battle Creek Property tax, assessment, special assessment, permits, and delinquent personal property records for the City of Battle Creek. |
Property | City of Marshall Property assessment and tax records, permits, and utility billing records for the City of Marshall. |
Property | City of Niles Property, land, and tax records, and City of Albion utility billing search. |
Property | City of Springfield Property assessment, tax, and sales records, utility billing, permit records, and tax & utility online payments for the City of Springfield. |
Property | Clarence Township Clarence Township property, sales, and current tax records. |
Property | Clarendon Township Property, land, and current tax records for Clarendon Township. |
Property | Convis Township Property, assessment, tax, and property sales records for Convis Township. |
Property | County Delinquent Taxes Calhoun County delinquent tax records. |
Property | County GIS GIS parcel search for Calhoun County. Also offers aerial maps, drain, and flood information. |
Property | County Section Maps Pay Site Order and pay for Calhoun County section maps online. |
Property | Eckford Township Current property tax, land, and property records for Eckford Township. |
Property | Emmett Charter Township Property, land, current tax, and delinquent personal property records for Emmett Charter Township. |
Property | Fredonia Township Fredonia Township property, land, and tax records. |
Property | Homer Township Homer Township property tax record search. |
Property | Lee Township Property, land, assessment comparable sales, and tax records for Lee Township. |
Property | Leroy Township Property tax, sales, and assessment records for Leroy Township. |
Property | Marengo Township Property, assessment, sales, and tax records for Marengo Township. |
Property | Marshall Township Property tax, assessment, and property sales records for Marshall Township in Calhoun County. |
Property | Newton Township Newton Township property and land, sales, and tax records. |
Property | Pennfield Township Property assessment and tax records, special assessments, utility billing records, and utility and current tax payment service for Pennfield Township. |
Property | Tekonsha Township Property and tax record searches for Tekonsha Township. |
Recorded Documents Calhoun County Clerk and Register of Deeds land records (mortgages, UCCs, deeds, writs, trusts, etc.). |
Restaurant Inspections Restaurant inspection reports for food facilities in Calhoun County. |
Sex Offenders Use this Michigan State Police registry to find sex offenders in the Calhoun County Area. |
Vital Records Information Clerk and Register of Deeds information on how to order Calhoun County marriage, birth, and death records. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.