Allegan County is located in southwest Michigan. The County Seat is Allegan and the largest city is Holland. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 113,847 and the 2010 census population was 111,408. The land area is 825.23 square miles and there are 135 persons per square mile.
95.3% of the population is White, 1.4% is Black or African American, 7% is Hispanic or Latino, 0.8% is Asian, 0.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.7% is two or more races. 90% have a high school degree or higher, and 20.2% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $140,200, there are 41,794 households, an average of 2.64 persons per household. The per capita income is $24,140, the median household income is $52,061, and 13.5% of the persons in Allegan County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 10,312. Retail sales (in $1000) were $881,344, and sales per capita were $7,805. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 25.6%.
Use the links below to find information about government and court services in Allegan County and search public records such as city, county, and township property records, offenders, restaurant inspections, ordinances, cemetery records, court schedules, voter registration, genealogy records, and more.
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Allegan County Official Allegan County, Michigan website, department and services directories. |
Assessors Allegan County city and township assessors. |
Cemeteries & Interments FindAGrave searchable database of cemeteries and burials in Allegan County. |
Chamber of Commerce Directory Chamber of Commerce for Allegan County member business directory. |
Court | 48th Circuit Information Allegan County 48th Circuit Court information, directory, and forms. |
Court | 48th Circuit Calendar Allegan County schedule of 48th Circuit Court hearings. Search by date, judge, or view the full schedule. |
Court | 57th District Information 57th District Court for Allegan county court information, jury duty responsibilities, contact info, payments. |
Court | Probate Information Probate Court of Allegan County estate, Will, guardianship, address, and contact information. |
Delinquent Taxes Pay Site In Michigan you have two years to pay your delinquent taxes or the property will be foreclosed. Allegan County offers this service to look up and pay your taxes online. |
Department Directory Directory of Allegan County offices and departments. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch Allegan County genealogy and family history information and indexes. |
Genealogy | MIGenWeb MIGenWeb genealogy records and lookups for Allegan County. |
GIS Map GIS map of Allegan County offices, libraries, schools & colleges, and points of interest. |
Inmates | Vinelink VineLink search for Allegan County Sheriff's Office inmates. |
Most Wanted List of most wanted fugitives issued by the Allegan County Sheriff. |
Notaries Allegan County notary lookup from the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Ordinances Allegan County Board of Commissioners ordinances. |
Property | Allegan County Assessments & Tax Allegan County property, land, sales comparables, delinquent tax, and property tax records. |
Property | City of Allegan Property assessment and tax record searches for the City of Allegan. |
Property | City of Otsego Property and land, current tax records, special assessment, and utility billing records for the City of Otsego. |
Property | City of Plainwell City of Plainwell assessment, current property tax, utility billing records, and online payments. |
Property | City of the Village of Douglas "The village that became a city." Search property and tax records in the City of the Village of Douglas. |
Property | City of Wayland Property assessment, current tax records, property sales, and utility billing searches for the City of Wayland. |
Property | GIS Download Allegan County parcel, contour, or county GIS data in zip format. |
Property | Gun Plain Township Gun Plain Township property assessment records, current tax records, utility billing, and online tax and utility payments. |
Property | Hopkins Township Property, land, and tax records for the Township of Hopkins. |
Property | Leighton Township Property tax and assessments, sales records, utility billing, and payment service for Leighton Township. |
Property | Saugatuck Township Saugatuck Township property assessment, tax, and sales records, special assessments, building department, and cemetery records. |
Property | Subdivision Plats Find and download digital images of Allegan County subdivision plats. |
Register of Deeds Information Register of Deeds contact and recording information. |
Restaurant Inspections Allegan County Health Department restaurant inspection reports. |
Sex Offenders County or statewide sex offender search from the Michigan State Police. |
Street Index Searchable database and list of Allegan County streets. |
Tax Maps Allegan County Equalization Department tax maps. |
Traffic Tickets & Court Payments Pay Site Pay your Allegan County traffic violation, criminal case fines, or civil case fees online. |
Vital Records Information Information from the County Clerk's Office on how to order birth, death, and marriage records. |
Voters Voter registration verification for Allegan County from the Michigan Secretary of State. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.