Denver County is located in north-central Colorado. It has a consolidated city/county government, and the official name is the City and County of Denver. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 663,862 and the 2010 census population was 600,025. The land area is 153.00 square miles and there are 3922.6 persons per square mile.
80.8% of the population is White, 10.2% is Black or African American, 30.9% is Hispanic or Latino, 3.8% is Asian, 2% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.2% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 3.1% is two or more races. 85.4% have a high school degree or higher, and 42.9% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $249,100, there are 266,069 households, an average of 2.27 persons per household. The per capita income is $33,251, the median household income is $50,313, and 19.1% of the persons in Denver County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 67,500. Retail sales (in $1000) were $6,835,351, and sales per capita were $11,810. The percentage of black-owned firms is 4.3%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 30.2%.
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Denver County Official home page and website for Denver County, Colorado government. |
Airline Flights Denver International Airport database of airline arrivals, departures, and connections. |
Bench Marks Download or view Right of Way Services Department bench mark data. |
Building Site Plans Planned Building Group (PGG) and Planned Unit Development (PUD) plans from the City Engineer's Office. |
Burials | Cemeteries & Interments Cemeteries in Denver County, including maps, interments, and grave photographs. |
Burials | Fort Logan National Cemetery Burials in Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver. |
Campaign Finance Searchable index of Denver County campaign finance reports. |
City Council Legislation Denver City Council legislative Bills online. |
Code of Ordinances MuniCode searchable index of the Denver County code of ordinances. |
Codes City and County of Denver code of ordinances. |
Contractor Licenses Find a Denver licensed contractor by company name. |
Court Calendar Query the Denver County Court calendar by date and courtroom. |
Court Dates Find a Denver County Court hearing date by name and date of birth. |
Court Records Denver County Court case record search. |
Foreclosures Denver County Trustee's Office foreclosure search. |
Foreclosures | Sheriff Sales Upcoming foreclosure sales from the Denver County Sheriff's Office. |
Inmates | Vinelink Denver County Sheriff's Office inmate records by name or Offender ID. |
Land Survey Plats Maps of Denver County land survey plats from the Public Works Department. |
Maps | All Access all of the available interactive city, county, and neighborhood maps for Denver County. |
Maps | Council Districts Denver GIS map city of city-council representatives and districts. |
Maps | Crime Crime incident map for Denver County searchable by address, date, neighborhood, and offense. |
Maps | Historic Landmarks & Districts GIS map and available download of historic property, landmarks, and districts. |
Maps | Land Use "Blueprint Denver" GIS map of area change and concept land use. |
Maps | Liquor Licenses Searchable GIS map of businesses with liquor licenses. |
Maps | Marijuana Denver County GIS map of marijuana retail stores and medical marijuana centers. |
Maps | Parks City and County of Denver interactive parks map. |
Maps | Quarter Section City Engineering quarter section maps searchable by address, intersection, or map number. |
Maps | Resurvey Right of Way Services Department GIS resurvey map. |
Maps | Sirens Don't do like we did and buy a house that has a warning siren outside the bedroom window. Use this GIS map to find out exactly where the nearest siren is located. |
Maps | Subdivisions City Engineer / City Surveyor GIS subdivision map. |
Maps | Traffic Conditions GIS map of current traffic conditions in the Denver Metro Area. |
Maps | Zoning Searchable GIS map of zoning districts in Denver. |
Marriages | 1873-1939 Marriages in Denver County between September 1873 and August 1939. |
Most Wanted Denver Metro Crime Stoppers' list of most wanted criminals, including Metro Denver, US Marshals list, and sex offenders who have failed to register. |
Obituaries Denver Public Library "Obituary Project" database of local newspaper obituaries and funeral notices. |
Parking Tickets Search for and pay your Denver County parking citation online. |
Permits Check the status of your Denver commercial or residential building permit. |
Pets | Adoptable Adoptable pets index from the Denver Animal Shelter. |
Pets | Lost & Found Denver Animal Shelter lost pets index. |
Photos | Western History Denver Public Library searchable index of Western History photos. |
Police Records Pay Site Denver Police Department online order system for police reports, recordings, criminal histories, videos, and accident reports. |
Property | Assessment & Tax Records Denver County real estate and business personal property assessment and tax record search. |
Property | GIS Denver County GIS map real property search. |
Property | Value Trends Find how property values in Denver County are changing. |
Recorded Documents Denver County Clerk and Recorder deeds, court documents, mortgages, liens, UCCs, plat & maps. |
Recreation Activities & Classes Denver Parks and Recreation Department online index of available activities, events, leagues, and classes. |
Restaurant Inspections Database of restaurant & food service inspections and enforcement actions in Denver County. |
Subdivision Plats City Engineer's Office database of subdivision surveys. |
Tie Books Denver County Tie-Book database ("survey books that show the relationship of range lines to the block faces or block lines for Denver Subdivisions"). |
Towed Vehicles Lost your car? Denver may have towed it. Find it here fast. |
Warrants Denver County Court warrant search. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.