Boulder County is located in northern Colorado. The County Seat is Boulder and the largest city is Boulder. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 313,333 and the 2010 census population was 294,571. The land area is 726.29 square miles and there are 405.6 persons per square mile.
91% of the population is White, 1.1% is Black or African American, 13.7% is Hispanic or Latino, 4.4% is Asian, 0.9% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.5% is two or more races. 93.9% have a high school degree or higher, and 58.3% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $350,900, there are 120,521 households, an average of 2.42 persons per household. The per capita income is $38,011, the median household income is $67,956, and 14.2% of the persons in Boulder County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 42,506. Retail sales (in $1000) were $4,039,254, and sales per capita were $13,660. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0.5%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 30.2%.
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Boulder County Boulder County, Colorado government official website and home page. |
Attorneys Membership directory of the Boulder County Bar Association. |
Birth Certificates Information Information on how to order birth certificates from Boulder County. |
Body Art Facility Inspections Inspection records of Boulder County body art facilities. |
Building Permits, Planning Applications, Code Enforcement Boulder County Land Use Department building permit, planning application, and code enforcement case searches. |
Court Dockets | 20th Judicial District 20th Judicial District / Boulder County combined court dockets. |
Court Records Boulder County 20th Judicial District Court case records and dockets. |
Crime Map Boulder County Sheriff GIS crime incident map. |
Death Certificates Information Information on who can apply and how to order death certificates. |
Inmates & Daily Booking Inmate lists and booking reports for inmates in the Boulder County Jail. |
Land Survey Plats County Surveyor records of land survey plats. |
Licenses | Contractors Land Use Department licensed contractors by license type. |
Licenses | Haulers Click on the link "Licensed Hauler List" to check on the county registration of a garbage, compost, or recycling hauler. |
Licenses | Marijuana Information Information from the Boulder County Marijuana Licensing Authority on how to obtain a medial or retail marijuana license. |
Map | Open Space GIS map of parks, open space, and trails in Boulder County. |
Maps | PDF Static Boulder County trail and elevation maps. |
Marriages & Civil Unions Boulder County Clerk and Recorder online marriage and civil union applications and records. |
Marriages | 1860-1900 RootsWeb records of Boulder County marriages between 1860 and 1900. |
Property | Assessor GIS GIS property search from the Boulder County Assessor. |
Property | Sales Assessor records of property sales by year in Excel spreadsheet format. |
Property | Tax Records Boulder County Treasurer property and tax account records. |
Recorded Documents Boulder County Office of the Clerk and Recorder mortgages, deeds, and other recorded documents. |
Restaurant Inspections Boulder County Department of Public Health restaurant and retail food establishment inspection results. |
Septic Records SepticSmart septic records by address or parcel ID. |
Sex Offenders Boulder County Sheriff Office portal to the Colorado sex offender registry. |
Voter Registration Clerk & Recorder records of Boulder County voter registration. |
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