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Campus Safety | Colleges and University Crime statistics from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education. Search by geographic region, state, city, type of institution, instructional program, name of institution, and/or number of enrolled students. |
Colleges & Universities (UnivSearch.com) Use this UnivSearch.com service to search by name, alphabet, state, or program for colleges and universities in the United States. |
Colleges and Universities (NCES) NCES IPEDS College Opportunities On-Line database for colleges and universities in the United States and U.S. Territories. |
Education Data Statistics and analysis relative to education data. Input "education" in the search field. |
NCES Databases National Center for Education Statistics databases used to find school, library, college, school district, and comparison information. |
Private Schools Click on "Private Schools" to search this National Center for Education Statistics database for private schools in the United States by state, city, zip, distance, and/or name. |
Public School Districts National Center for Education Statistics database of public school districts. |
Public Schools National Center for Education Statistics database of public schools in the United States. |
School District Finance National Center for Education Statistics "Public School District Finance Peer Search" comparison of the finances of a school district with its peers. |
School District Profiles National Center for Education Statistics database used to compare demographic information between U.S. public school districts. |
Schools & Colleges National Center for Education Statistics database for public schools, private schools, and colleges. |
Universities Use this UnivSearch.com service to search by name, alphabet, state, or program for colleges and universities in the United States. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.