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Chemical Health Hazards | IRIS EPA IRIS database of chemical health hazards. |
Chemical Spills & Accidents Right-to-Know Network database of NRC (National Response Center) tracking of chemical spills accidents. |
Coastal Data U.S. EPA environmental coastal data. |
Drinking Water EPA drinking water map application. |
Enviromapper for EnviroFacts EPA database and interactive map of hazardous waste, impaired water bodies, air emissions, toxic release sites, etc. |
Environmental Maps EPA interactive environmental and demographic maps. Simply type your Zip code or choose your state or city. |
EPA Enforcement & Compliance History (ECHO) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency database of hazardous waste enforcement and compliance histories. |
EPA Science Inventory EPA research database. |
Hazardous Substance Releases | ATSDR ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) information on the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites, emergency events, or on the effects of hazardous substances on health. |
Hazardous Waste Handlers | RCRIS Database of hazardous waste handlers by geographic area, facility, or industry. |
Household Product Ingredients National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine database of Household Product ingredients. |
Household Products National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine database of household products. Find information on brands, manufacturers, health effects, handling/disposal, and ingredients. |
Nuclear Waste Shipment Routes Find out how far from the proposed routes for the shipping of radioactive nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Hint: more than 100 miles is excellent. |
Pollution Locator Search by county, state, or community and view reports on environmental issues such as air pollutants, lead hazards, smog and particulates, etc. |
Radon Zones Interactive EPA map of Radon Zones. Select your state and view color coded counties marking lowest to highest radon potential. |
Recycling Facilities Database of recycling facilities by type of material as well as city & state. Information includes facility name, address, phone, web site, distance, and materials collected /services offered. |
Renewable Energy Publications National Renewable Energy Laboratory publications database. |
Risk Management Plans Database risk management plans from industrial facilities with extremely hazardous substances. |
Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites (SEMS) EPA Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) database. |
Toxic Release Query EPA toxic release inventory of facilities, toxic chemical releases to the environment, chemical transfers, source reduction and recycling, and production related waste. |
Toxic Release Reports EPA database of toxic chemical release reports. |
Toxic Releases Right-to-Know Network Spills and Accidents database of toxic chemical spills by name, state, or substance. |
Watershed Databases U.S. Environmental Protection Agency watershed databases. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.