if you're looking for health and medical association databases such as the American Medical Association physician member directory, the American Academy of Audiology database, Academy of General Dentristy, Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry, etc. use our United States Health and Medical Databases Directory.
These are Association databases. If you're looking to verify the status of a license in a U.S. State, go here: Professional and Business License Verification, or click on the link below.
Professional and Business License Verification Services in U.S. States |
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Appraisers | Real Estate Search the National Real Estate Appraiser Referral Service database for real estate appraisers in the United States. |
Appraisers | Real Estate Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (ASC)'s national registry of real estate appraisers. |
Architects Search the American Institute of Architects database for architects by location or firm name. |
Certified Financial Planners Database of Certified Financial Planners from the Financial Planning Association. |
Certified Public Accountants - U.S. Search this private directory of Certified Public Accountants by firm name, individual name, service provided, industry serviced, city, and/or state. |
Commercial Collection Agencies Membership directory of the Commercial Collection Agency Association. |
Commodities Futures Traders | National Futures Association National Futures Association Background Affiliation Status Information Center (BASIC) search for Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) registration and National Futures Association membership information. |
Contractors | Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Contractors Association member search. |
Court Reporters National Court Reporters Association member directory. |
Credit Unions National Credit Union Association search for credit unions in the United States. |
Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Search the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America membership directory by company name, city name, and/or state. |
Expert Witnesses The National Association of State Jury Verdict Publishers provides this database of expert witnesses that have testified in cases covered by NASJVP members. |
Exploration Geophysicists Society of Exploration Geophysicists membership list. |
Home Inspectors Home Inspector search from the American Society of Home Inspectors. |
Insurance Companies - NAIC Search this National Association of Insurance Commissioners service for insurance companies as well insurance company complaint and financial information. |
Insurance Regulators | NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) map of for State Insurance Department web sites. |
Massage Therapy Association American Massage Therapy Association database. |
Mayors United States Conference of Mayors search by city or mayor's last name for information on mayors in the United States. |
Mortgage Brokers National Association of Mortgage Brokers database of NAMB members. |
Notaries | American Society of Notaries American Society of Notaries notary search. |
Process Servers | International Process Servers Association International Process Servers Association (IPSA) index of member process servers. |
Process Servers | National Association of Process Servers National Association of Process Servers (NAPPS) membership database searchable by country, state, name, city, or zip code. |
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