Atlantic County is located in southeast New Jersey. The County Seat is Mays Landing and the largest city is Egg Harbor Township. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 275,209 and the 2010 census population was 274,549. The land area is 555.70 square miles and there are 494.1 persons per square mile.
71.4% of the population is White, 17.3% is Black or African American, 18.2% is Hispanic or Latino, 8.1% is Asian, 0.7% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 2.5% is two or more races. 84.4% have a high school degree or higher, and 24.2% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $237,400, there are 101,091 households, an average of 2.64 persons per household. The per capita income is $27,391, the median household income is $54,235, and 14.4% of the persons in Atlantic County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 21,027. Retail sales (in $1000) were $4,429,395, and sales per capita were $16,409. The percentage of black-owned firms is 7%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 27.8%.
Public records in adjacent counties: Burlington Camden Cape May Cumberland Gloucester Ocean
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Atlantic County Official website of Atlantic County, New Jersey government. |
Code Atlantic County code of ordinances. |
Genealogy Access genealogy resources for Atlantic County, New Jersey: family bibles, cemetery records, census records, newspapers, Wills, estate records, and some vital records. |
Immigration Records Atlantic County Library database of digitized immigration records. |
Inmates | VineLink Atlantic County Jail offender records from VineLink. |
Maps | GIS Zoning Interactive GIS zoning maps for municipalities in Atlantic County. |
Maps | PDF PDF maps of Atlantic County, including census, general interest, river, zoning, sewer service, hunting area, and roadway maps. |
Most Wanted Most wanted fugitives and non-support parents list from the Atlantic County Sheriff's Office. |
Property | Assessments Atlantic County property ownership, assessment, sales, and transfer history records. |
Recorded Documents Atlantic County Office of the County Clerk deeds, mortgages, rent assignments, contracts, liens, judgments, military discharges, and other recorded documents. |
Sheriff Sales Atlantic County Sheriff's office foreclosure sales. |
Wills | 1837-1921 Digitized Wills recorded between 1837 and 1921 in Atlantic County. |
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