Autauga County is located in central Alabama. The County Seat is Prattville and the largest city is Prattville. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 55,395 and the 2010 census population was 54,571. The land area is 594.44 square miles and there are 91.8 persons per square mile.
78.1% of the population is White, 18.4% is Black or African American, 2.7% is Hispanic or Latino, 1.1% is Asian, 0.5% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 1.7% is two or more races. 85.6% have a high school degree or higher, and 20.9% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $136,200, there are 20,071 households, an average of 2.71 persons per household. The per capita income is $24,571, the median household income is $53,682, and 12.1% of the persons in Autauga County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 4,067. Retail sales (in $1000) were $598,175, and sales per capita were $12,003. The percentage of black-owned firms is 15.2%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 31.7%.
In addition to the cities of Prattville and Millbrook, towns and communities in Autauga County include Autaugaville, Billingsley, Booth, Evergreen, Jones, Kingston, Marbury, and Pine Level.
Use the links below to search Autauga County records, find people, court records, marriages, births, property, restaurant reports, and more.
Autauga County | 135 N. Court Street, Suite B | Prattville, AL 36067 | Phone: (334) 358-6700
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Autauga County Autauga County home page, county news, community calendar, county departments, services. |
Cemeteries, Burials FindaGrave list of cemeteries in Autauga County, including (when available) interment names, birth and death dates, and headstone photographs. |
Food Safety Inspections Autauga County restaurant and school food inspection safety reports. |
Genealogy Searchable genealogy databases for Autauga County from RootsWeb, including census records, cemetery listings, land records, membership lists, military veterans, letters, notices, deeds, mortgages, and more. |
Land Records 1818-1878 Autauga Genealogical Society database of land records recorded between 1818 and 1878. |
Marriages 1829-1898 RootsWeb database of Autauga County 19th century marriages. |
Property | GIS Autauga County GIS property, searchable by property address, owner name, parcel number, or interactive map. |
Wills & Estates 1822-1888 RootsWeb database of Autauga County Will & Estate records for the period 1822-1888. |
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