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Waitsfield Town of Waitsfield, VT home page, departments & services, document library, news & announcements, rules & regulations, boards, commissions, and committees. Town Clerk Address: 9 Bridge Street, Waitsfield, VT 05673 Telephone: 802-496-2218 Fax: 802-496-9284 Email: waitsfld@madriver.com Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Waitsfield Maps Town of Waitsfield historic, orthophotography, town plan, and town highway maps. |
Waitsfield Property Click on Waitsfield to view Vermont Assessor property records for Waitsfield, VT online in Excel format or you may choose to download the database. |
Walden Town of Walden, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 12 Vermont Route 215, Walden, VT 05873 Telephone: 802-563-2220 Fax: 802-563-3008 Email: waldentc@pivot.net Hours: M-W 9-4; Th 9-5. |
Wallingford Town of Wallingford, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 73 School Street, Wallingford, VT 05773 Telephone: 802-446-2336 Fax: 802-446-3174 Email: townclerk@wallingfordvt.com Hours: M-Th 8-4:30; F 8-12. |
Wallingford Property Search Assessor parcel records in Wallingford, VT. Information is provided in Excel spreadsheet format and you may download the spreadsheet or open it online. |
Waltham Town of Waltham, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 2053 Maple Street, Waltham, VT 05491 Telephone: 802-877-3641 Fax: 802-877-3641 Email: waltham@gmwireless.net Hours: T F 9-3. |
Wardsboro Town of Wardsboro, VT Facebook page, town information and photographs. Town Clerk Address: 71 Main Street, Wardsboro, VT 05355 Telephone: 802-896-6055 Fax: 802-896-1000 Email: Wardsboro@yahoo.com Hours: M-Th 9-12 & 1-4:30. |
Warren Town of Warren, VT official web site, including town departments, legal notices, tax sales, ordinances, town reports, the town plan, forms, and applications. Town Clerk Address: 42 Cemetery Road, Warren, VT 05674 Telephone: 802-496-2709 ext 21 Fax: 802-496-2418 Email: clerk@warrenvt.org Hours: M-F 9-4:30. |
Warren Property Town of Warren, VT Board of Listers Grand List of property assessments. |
Warren Property | GIS Search Town of Warren, VT property records by GIS map, owner name, address, or parcel ID. |
Washington Town of Washington, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 2894 Vermont Route 110, Washington, VT 05675 Telephone: 802-883-2218 Fax: 802-883-2218 Email: washingtontownclerk@gmail.com Hours: M & T 8:30-4:30; W & Th by appointment. |
Waterbury Town of Waterbury, VT municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 51 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05676 Telephone: 802-244-8447 Fax: 802-244-1014 Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Weathersfield Town of Weathersfield, VT government website. Town Clerk Address: 5259 US Route 5, Ascutney, VT 05030 Telephone: 802-674-9500 Fax: 802-674-2117 Email: tclerk@weathersfield.org Hours: M-W 9-5; Th 9-5:30; and by appointment. |
Wells Town of Wells, VT town clerk, town history, photographs, information. Town Clerk Address: 108 Route 30 Wells, VT 05774 Telephone: 802-645-0486 Fax: 802-645-0464 Email: wellstownclerk@comcast.net Hours: M W Th 7:30-3:30; T 11-6; and by appointment. |
West Fairlee Town of West Fairlee, VT official home page, town office directory, commissions, community services, schools, churches, and contact information. Town Clerk Address: 870 Route 113, West Fairlee, VT 05083 Telephone: 802-333-9696 Fax: 802-333-9611 Email: westfairleetc@hotmail.com Hours: M-W 9:30-12 & 1-3:30. |
West Fairlee Property In the left-hand column of the West Fairlee Listers page you'll find a link called GRAND LIST. Click on it to view property assessments by organized by owner name. |
West Rutland Town of West Rutland, VT community & municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 35 Marble Street, West Rutland, VT 05777 Telephone: 802-438-2204 Fax: 802-438-5133 Hours: M-Th 9-12 & 1-4; and by appointment. |
West Rutland Business Directory West Rutland businesses, listed by name. |
Westford Town of Westford home page, calendar, contact information, documents & forms, on-line permits, department directory, demographics, school, library, and community organizations. Town Clerk Address: 1713 Vermont Route 128, Westford, VT 05494 Telephone: Fax: 802-879-6503 Email: townclerk@westfordvt.us Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30 (closes at 1 pm on Fridays in July & August). |
Westford Businesses Town of Westford, VT business directory, organized by type of service. |
Westford Maps Town of Westford maps in pdf format, including trails, future land use, road plans, community facilities, flood plains, and critical habitats. |
Westford Parcels Click on this link to download the Town of Westford parcel file and then select Google Earth to open the map and view parcel boundaries. |
Westminster Town of Westminster, VT municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 3651 US Route 5, Westminster, VT 05158 Telephone: 802-722-4091 Fax:802-722-9816 Email: westmntc@comcast.net Hours: M-F 8:30-4. |
Westminster Property Town of Westminster, VT property records. Select a year to view assessments listed alphabetically by owner name. |
Westminster Tax Payments Pay your Town of Westminster, VT property taxes online. |
Westminster | Recorded Documents Town of Westminster Town Clerk mortgages, deeds, judgments, lis pendens, assignments, releases, and other land records. Requires registration. |
Westmore Town of Westmore, VT home page. Town Clerk Address: 54 Hinton Hill Road, Orleans, VT 05860 Telephone: 802-525-3007 Fax: 802-525-1131 Email: clerk@westmoreonline.org Hours: M-Th 8:30-4; or by appointment. |
Weston Town of Weston, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 12 Lawrence Hill Road, Weston, VT 05161 Telephone: 802-824-6645 Fax: 802-824-4121 Email: clerk@westonvt.org Hours: M-F 8-1. |
Weston Property Town of Weston property records, searchable by owner name, address, parcel ID, or interactive map. |
Weybridge Town of Weybridge, VT official home page. Town Clerk Address: 1727 Quaker Village Road, Weybridge, VT 05753 Telephone: 802-545-2450 Fax: 802-545-2624 Hours: M T Th F 9-2. |
Wheelock Town of Wheelock, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 1192 Route 122, Wheelock, VT 05851 Telephone: 802-626-9094 Fax: 802 626-9094 Email: wheelocktc@yahoo.com Hours: M-Th 7:45-3. |
Whiting Town of Whiting, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 29 South Main Street, Whiting, VT 05778 Telephone: 802-623-7813 Fax: 802-623-7813 Email: townofwhiting@shoreham.net Hours: M W 9-12 & 4-6; F 9-12; and by appointment. |
Whitingham Town of Whitingham, VT government website. Town Clerk Address: 2948 Vermont Route 100, Jacksonville, VT 05342 Telephone: 802-368-7887 Fax: 802-368-7519 Email: whitinghamtownclerk@yahoo.com Hours: M T Th F 9-2; W 9-2& 5-7 p.m.; 9-12 1st Saturday of the month. |
Williamstown Town of Williamstown, VT official web site, including the community bulletin board, calendar, town hall directory, notices, schools, open positions, and community resources. Town Clerk Address: 2470 VT Route 14, Williamstown, VT 05679 Telephone: 802-433-5455 Fax: 802-433-2160 Email: clerk@williamstownvt.org Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Williamstown Property Maps View pdf images of Williamstown property maps. First open the index map to find the map number, then use that to find the appropriate map. |
Williston Town of Williston, VT home page, contact information, department and services directory, public records and documents, natural resources, and information for residents and businesses. Town Clerk Address: 7900 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495 Telephone: 802-878-5121 Fax: 802-764-1140 Hours: M-F 8:30-5. |
Williston Bill Payments Town of Williston, VT municipal bills. Pay your property tax and clerk fees online. |
Williston Property Click on GRAND LIST PROPERTY INFO to view a pdf document of Town of Williston assessments organized by parcel ID. |
Wilmington Town of Wilmington, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 2 East Main Street, Wilmington, VT 05363 Telephone: 802-464-5836 Fax: 802-464-1238 Email: wilmclrk@sover.net Hours: M-W 8:30-12 & 1-4; Th F 8:30-4. |
Wilmington Property Town of Wilmington, VT Grand List of property assessment records. Available in pdf or Excel format and sorted optionally by owner name, street name, and tax map number. |
Windham Town of Windham, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 5976 Windham Hill Road, Windham, VT 05359 Telephone: 802-874-4211 Fax: 802-874-4144 Email: clerk@windham-vt.us Hours: T Th F 10-3. |
Windsor Town of Windsor, VT home page, town government directory, events & calendars, documents, news, town meetings & budgets, maps, demographics, attractions, lodging, restaurants, and photographs. Charming town. Town Clerk Address: 29 Union Street, Windsor, VT 05089 Telephone: 802-674-5610 Fax: 802-674-1017 Hours: M-Th 8-5; F 8-12. |
Windsor Tax Maps View Town of Windsor Lister/Assessor parcel tax maps in pdf format. Also available is a list of recent property sales. |
Windsor Tax Maps Town of Windsor Lister/Assessor parcel tax maps and recent property sales. |
Winhall Town of Winhall, VT information, town plan, town maps, zoning, road map from the Windham Regional Commission. Town Clerk Address: 3 River Road, Bondville, VT 05340 Telephone: 802-297-2122 Fax: 802-297-2582 Email: winclerk@comcast.net Hours: M-Th 9-12; and by appointment. |
Winhall Property Town of Winhall, VT Assessor property records in Excel format. You have the option of downloading the opening the database online. |
Winooski City of Winooski, VT municipal government home page. City Clerk Address: 27 West Allen Street, Winooski, VT 05405 Telephone: Fax: 802-655-6414 Hours: M 8-8; T-Th 8-4; F 8-12. |
Winooski Staff Directory City of Winooski staff members, phone, and email addresses. |
Wolcott Town of Wolcott, VT municipal & community website. Town Clerk Address: 28 Railroad Street, Wolcott, VT 05680 Telephone: 802-888-2746 Fax: 802-888-2669 Email: wolcott@pshift.com Hours: M by appointment; T 8-6; W-F 8-4. |
Woodbury Town of Woodbury, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 1672 Route 14, Woodbury, VT 05681 Telephone: 802-456-7051 Fax: 802 456 8834 Email: woodburyclerk@comcast.net Hours: M 9-1 a.m. & 6-8 p.m.; T-Th 9-1. |
Woodford Town of Woodford, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 1391 Vermont Route 9, Woodford, VT 05201 Telephone: 802-442-4895 Fax: 802 442-4816 Email: woodfordvt@comcast.net Hours: M W F 8:30-11 & 12:30-4; T Th 8:30-4; Sat 9-12 (during tax/election time); and by appointment. |
Woodstock Town and Village of Woodstock, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 31 The Green, Woodstock, VT 05091 Telephone: 802-457-3611 Fax: 802-457-2329 Hours: M-F 8-12 & 1-4:30. |
Woodstock Ordinances Woodstock Village, VT ordinances, including traffic, street, business license, health and safety, public, park, animal, and building codes. |
Woodstock Property Town of Woodstock Grand List of property records organized by parcel owner name. |
Worcester Town of Worcester, VT municipal government home page. Town Clerk Address: 20 Worcester Village Road, Worcester, VT 05682 Telephone: 802-223-6942 ext 1 Fax: 802-229-5216 Email: worcesterclerk@comcast.net Hours: M 8:30-12; T-Th 8:30-12 & 1-4:30. |
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