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Saint Albans City City of Saint Albans, VT official website, including meeting dates, city departments, programs, contact information, job opportunities, documents, reports, news, and announcements. Town Clerk Address: 100 North Main Street, Saint Albans, VT 05478 Telephone: 802-524-1500 ext 264 Fax: 802-524-1516 Hours: M-F 7:30-4. |
Saint Albans City Bill Payments City of Saint Albans online utility bill and property tax payments. |
Saint Albans Town Town of Saint Albans, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 579 Lake Road. St. Albans Bay, VT 05478 Telephone: 802-524-2415 Fax: 802-524-9609 Email: stalbtwn@comcast.net Hours: M-F 8-4. |
Saint George Town of St. George, VT home page. Town Clerk Address: 1 Barber Road, St George, VT 05495 Telephone: 802-482-5272 Fax: 802-482-5548 Email: stgeorgevtclerk@comcast.net Hours: M W F 8-12; T 9-12; Th 9-12 & 4:30-6:30. |
Saint Johnsbury Town of St. Johnsbury, VT official home page, meeting calendar, Town plan, vital statistics, zoning maps, events, Town documents. Town Clerk Address: 51 Depot Square, First Floor, St Johnsbury, VT 05819 Telephone: 802-748-4331 Fax: 802-748-1267 Email: townclerk@stjvt.com Hours: M 8-5; T-F 8-4:30. |
Saint Johnsbury Business Directory View businesses and services available in the Town of St. Johnsbury, VT. |
Saint Johnsbury Property View Assessor records of St. Johnsbury, VT property, appraisals, and sales. |
Salisbury Town of Salisbury, VT home page. Town Clerk Address: 25 Schoolhouse Road, Salisbury, VT 05769 Telephone: 802-352-4228 Fax: 802-352-9832 Email: town.clerk@comcast.net Hours: M 11-5; T 10-2; Th 12-7. |
Salisbury Cemetery Roster Roster of burials in the Village, Holman, and West Salisbury cemeteries in the Town of Salisbury, VT. |
Sandgate Town of Sandgate, VT municipal government. Town Clerk Address: 3266 Sandgate Road, Sandgate, VT 05250 Telephone: 802-375-9075 Fax: 802.375.8350 Email: sandgateclerk@live.com Hours: T W 9:30-12:30; and by appointment. |
Searsburg Town of Searsburg, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 18 Town Garage Road, Searsburg, VT 05363 Telephone: 802-464-8081 Fax: 802-464-8081 Hours: M 8-4; T F 8-12. |
Shaftsbury Town of Shaftsbury, VT municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 61 Buck Hill Road, Shaftsbury, VT 05262 Telephone: 802-442-4038 Fax: 802-442-0955 Email: shaftsburyclerk@comcast.net Hours: M 9-5; T-F 9-3. |
Sharon Town of Sharon, VT municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 69 Vermont Route 132, Sharon, VT 05605 Telephone: 802-763-8268 ext 101 Fax: 802-763-7392 Email:clerk@sharonvt.net Hours: M-Th 7-4:30. |
Sheffield Town of Sheffield, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 37 Dane Road, Sheffield, VT 05866 Telephone: 802-626-8862 Fax: 802-626-8862 Email: maplequeen@surfglobal.net Hours: M F 8-2; W 8-2 & 5-8. |
Shelburne Shelburne, VT home page, department directory, events, services, downloadable forms, Minutes and Agendas, community calendar. Town Clerk Address: 5420 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, VT 05482 Telephone: 802-985-5116 Fax: 802-985-9550 Hours: M-F 8:30-5. |
Shelburne Property AT the top of the Town of Shelburne Assessing and Reappraisal page there is a link titled GRAND LIST IN ALPHA ORDER. Click on this to download the latest list of Shelburne property assessments in Excel format. |
Sheldon Town of Sheldon, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 1640 Main Street, Sheldon, VT 05483 Telephone: 802-933-2524 Fax: 802-933-4951 Email: tc@sheldonvt.com Hours: M 8-6; T W F 8-3; Th 8:30-3. |
Shoreham Town of Shoreham, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 297 Main Street, Shoreham, VT 05770 Telephone: 802-897-5841 Fax: 802-897-2545 Email: shorehamtown@shoreham.net Hours: M T Th F 9-12 & 1-4. |
Shoreham Cemetery Roster View Town of Shoreham roster of burials. Includes Ames-Wright Cemetery, Village Cemetery, All Saints Cemetery, Russell Yard Cemetery, Jenison Cemetery, Callender Cemetery, and Atwood Cemetery. |
Shrewsbury Town of Shrewsbury, VT municipal government website. Town Clerk Address: 9823 Cold River Road, Shrewsbury, VT 05738 Telephone: 802-492-3511 Fax: 802-492-3511 Email: shrewsburyclerk@vermontel.net Hours: M-Th 8:30-3; and by appointment. |
South Burlington City of South Burlington, VT home page, city departments, directory, meetings & events, news, employment opportunities, city regulations & ordinances, and contact information. City Clerk Address: 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Telephone:802-846-4105 Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
South Burlington Property City of South Burlington, VT Grand List of property assessments, tax information, owner mailing addresses, valid sales, tax rates, residential homes information, Common Level of Appraisal (CLA), and Coefficient of Dispersion (COD). All are in Excel format. |
South Hero Town of South Hero, VT municipal government website. Town Clerk Address: 333 US Route 2, South Hero, VT 05486 Telephone: 802-372-5552 Fax: 802-372-3809 Email: southherotc@aol.com Hours: M-W 8:30-12 & 1-4:30; Th 8:30-12 & 1-5. |
Springfield Town of Springfield, VT official website, including directories of town officials and departments, events calendar, ordinances & regulations, job openings, town documents, permits, forms, and contact information. Town Clerk Address: 96 Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156 Telephone: 802-885-2104 Fax: 802-885-1617 Email: tosclerk@vermontel.net Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Springfield Property View the Town of Springfield Grand List of property assessments. |
Stamford Town of Stamford, VT official home page. Town Clerk Address: 986 Main Road, Stamford, VT 05352 Telephone: 802-694-1361 Fax: 802-694-1636 Email: stamfdvt@sover.net Hours: T W 10-4; Th 11-4 & 7-9 p.m.; F 11-4. |
Stannard Town of Stannard, VT info. Town Clerk Address: 615 Stannard Mountain Road, Stannard, VT 05842 Telephone: 802-533-2577 Fax: 802-533-2577 (call first) Email: townofstannard@vtlink.net Hours: W 8-12. |
Starksboro Town of Starksboro, VT government website. Town Clerk Address: 2849 Vermont Route 116, Starksboro, VT 05487 Telephone: 802-453-2639 Fax: 802-453-7293 Email: starksboro@madriver.com Hours: M-Th 8:30-4:30. |
Stockbridge Town of Stockbridge, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 1722 Vermont Route 100, Stockbridge, VT 05772 Telephone: 802-746-8400 Fax: 802-746-8400 Email: townofstockbridge@myfairpoint.net Hours: T-Th 8-4:30; F 8-12. |
Stockbridge Maps Town of Stockbridge, VT maps from the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission. Includes road name maps, thematic maps, town plan maps, and zoning maps. |
Stowe Town of Stowe, VT home page, budget information, town departments, boards & commissions, agendas, forms, documents, schools, meeting minutes, and town history. Town Clerk Address: 67 Main Street, Stowe, VT 05672 Telephone: 802-253-6133 Fax: 802-253-6143 Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Stowe Bill Payments Pay your Town of Stowe property tax, recreation and park fees, and rescue payments online. |
Stowe Property Town of Stowe Grand List of property assessments, searchable by keyword for owner name or location. |
Strafford Town of Strafford, VT municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 227 Justin Morrill Highway, Strafford, VT 05072 Telephone: 802-765-4411 Fax: 802-765-9621 Email: townofstrafford@wavecomm.com Hours: M-Th 7:30-4:30. |
Stratton Town of Stratton, VT municipal website. Town Clerk Address: 9 West Jamaica Road, Stratton, VT 05360 Telephone: 802-896-6184 Fax: 802-896-6630 Email: townclerk@townofstrattonvt.com Hours: M-Th 9-3. |
Sudbury Town of Sudbury, VT facebook page, news, photographs. Town Clerk Address: 36 Blacksmith Lane, Sudbury, VT 05733 Telephone: 802-623-7296 Fax: 802-623-7296 Hours: M 9-4; W 7-9 p.m.; F 9-3; and by appointment. |
Sunderland Town of Sunderland, VT official home page. Town Clerk Address: 181 South Road, Sunderland, VT 05252 Telephone: 802-375-6106 Fax: 802-375-6106 Email: sunderlandvt@comcast.net Hours: M T Th 8-2; W 8-12 & 6-8; Fridays by appointment. |
Sutton Town of Sutton, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 167 Underpass Road, Sutton, VT 05867 Telephone:802-467-3377 Fax: 802-467-1052 Email: sutwn@charterinternet.com Hours: M T Th F 9-5; W 9-12:30. |
Swanton Town Town of Swanton, VT official municipal and community website. Town Clerk Address: 1 Academy Street, Swanton, VT 05488 Telephone: 802-868-4421 Fax: 802-467-1052 Email: townoffice@swantonvermont.org Hours: M-Th 7-5. |
Swanton Village Village of Swanton, VT website. Address: 120 First Street, Swanton, VT 05488 Telephone: 802-868-3397 Fax: 802-868-3930 Email: village@swanton.net. Swanton Village is located within the Town of Swanton in Franklin County. |
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