If you find a broken link below, please use the Report a Broken Link form to let us know.
New Haven Town of New Haven, VT home page. Town Clerk Address: 78 North Street, New Haven, VT 05472 Telephone: 802-453-3516 Fax: 802-453-7552 Email: newhavenclerk@gmavt.net Hours: M-F 9-3. |
New Haven Cemetery Roster Town of New Haven, VT roster of burials in West Cemetery. |
Newark Town of Newark, VT. Town Clerk Address: 1336 Newark Street, Newark, VT 05871 Telephone: 802-467-3336 Email: tclerknewark@kingcon.com Hours: M W Th 9-4. |
Newbury Information from the Cohase Chamber of Commerce on the Town of Newbury, VT. Town Clerk Address: 4982 Main Street S, Newbury, VT 05051 Telephone: 802-866-5521 Fax: 802-866-5301 Email: newburyclerk@charterinternet.com Hours: M W Th F 8:30-2:30; T 8:30-6. |
Newfane Town of Newfane, VT official website. Town Clerk Address: 555 Vermont Route 30, Newfane, VT 05345 Telephone: 802-365-7772 ext. 10 Fax: 802-365-7692 Email: tclerknewfane@svcable.net Hours: M-Th 8-6; and by appointment. |
Newport Property Click on Newport City to view Assessor property records online in Excel format or download the spreadsheet. |
Newport City City of Newport, VT official government & community website. City Clerk/Treasurer Address: 222 Main Street, Newport, VT 05855 Telephone: 802-334-2112 Fax: 802-334-5632 Email: newportcityclerkjim@comcast.net Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Newport Town Town of Newport, VT information. Town Clerk Address: 102 Vance Hill Road, Newport Center, VT 05857 Telephone: 802-334-6442 Fax: 802-334-6442 Email: nctownclerk@comcast.net Hours: M-Th 7-4:30. |
Newport | Property Assessor City of Newport Assessor property records, sales information, parcel assessment information organized by address and street name. |
North Bennington Village The Fund for Village of North Bennington, VT website, maps, photographs, village officials, documents, contact information. The Village is part of the Town of Bennington. |
North Hero Town of North Hero, VT official government and community website. Town Clerk Address: 6441 US Route 2, North Hero, VT 05474 Telephone: 802-372-6926 Fax: 802-372-3806 Email: townclerk@northherovt.com Hours: M T Th 8-4:30, W F 8-12; Sat 8-12. |
North Hero Bill Payments Pay your Town of North Hero, VT municipal water fees and property taxes online. |
Northfield Town and Village of Northfield, VT official municipal website. Clerk Address: 51 South Main Street, Northfield, VT 05663 Telephone: 802-485-5421 Fax: 802-485-8426 Hours: M-F 8-4:30. |
Norton Town of Norton, VT government information, including town data, maps, traffic counts, and town documents. Town Clerk Address: 12 Vermont Route 114 E, Norton, VT 05907 Telephone: 802-822-9935 Fax: 802-822-9965 Email: townofnorton@myfairpoint.net Hours: M 2-4; T 10-4; and 10-12 on the last Saturday of the month. |
Norwich Town of Norwich, VT website. Town Clerk Address: 300 Main Street, Norwich, VT 05055 Telephone: 802-649-1419 ext. 103 Fax: 802-649-0123 Email: clerk@norwich.vt.us Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30. |
Norwich Property Click on GRAND LIST in the right-hand column to view the most recent Town of Norwich, VT list of parcel assessments. Organized alphabetically by owner name, in pdf format. |
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