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Danby Town of Danby, VT. Town Clerk Address: 130 Brook Road, Danby, VT 05739 Telephone: 802-293-5136 Fax: 802-293-5311 Email: danbytownclerk@vermontel.net Hours: M-Th 9-12 and 1-4. |
Danville Town of Danville official home page. Town Clerk Address: 36 Route 2 W, Danville VT 05828-0183 Telephone: 802-684-3352 Fax: 802-684-9606 Email: danvtc36@yahoo.com Hours: M-F 8-4. |
Derby Town of Derby website. Town Clerk Address: 124 Main St, Derby VT 05829 Telephone: 802-766-4906 Fax: 802-766-2027 Email: derbytownclerk@derbyvt.org Hours: M-Th 7-5. |
Derby Payments Pay your Town of Derby municipal property taxes, dog licenses, and clerk fees online. |
Dorset Town of Dorset official website. Town Clerk Address: 112 Mad Tom Road, East Dorset VT 05253 Telephone: 802-362-1178 ext 2 Fax: 802-362-5156 Email: dorsetclerk@gmail.com Hours: M-Th 8:30-3:30; F 8:30-11:30; and by appointment. |
Dover Town of Dover website. Town Clerk Address: 102 Route 100, West Dover VT 05356 Telephone: 802 464 8000 Fax: 802 464 8721 Email: dvrclerk@sover.net Hours: M-F 9-5 |
Dover Businesses Town of Dover business directory, organized by type service. |
Dover Property Town of Dover Listers Office Grand List of property assessments in Excel format. |
Dummerston Town of Dummerston, VT official website, including town notices, municipal calendar, documents, meeting minutes, town reports, emergency information, and town calendars. Town Clerk Address: 1523 Middle Road, E. Dummerston VT 05346 Telephone: 802-257-1496 Fax: 802-257-4671 Email: townclerk@dummerston.org Hours: M T Th F 9-3; W 11-5. |
Dummerston Property Scroll down the page to Statistics, Studies, Research and click on GRAND LIST to view Town of Dummerston property assessments listed by owner name. |
Duxbury Town of Duxbury, Vermont. Town Clerk Address: 5421 Vermont Route 100, Duxbury VT 05676 Telephone: 802-244-6660 Fax: 802-244-5442 Email: duxbury1@myfairpoint.com Hours: M 8-4; T Th F 7:30-3:30; W 10-6. |
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