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Aircraft Search this Landings hosted website for Aircraft registered in the Netherlands as well as other parts of the world. |
Amsterdam Coffeshops When just coffee is not enough. |
Attorneys - Disciplinary Actions Use this Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten service to search for Attorney disciplinary actions in the Netherlands. |
Bankruptcies & Insolvencies Browse this Government of the Netherlands service for bankruptcies published in the Dutch Government Gazette. |
Births and Baptisms 1564-1910 Database of 2.1 million birth and christening records filed in the Netherlands between 1564 and 1910. |
Businesses Search the Dutch Yellow Pages for business listings in Netherlands. |
Companies & Corporations Use this Netherlands Kamer van Koophandel trade register service to search for Netherlands registered businesses by name & location, zip code, address, or Chamber of Commerce registration number. |
Court Records Use this government of the Netherland service to search for cases hanndled by the courts in the Netherlands. In the search box "rechtsgebieden" you can choose civil courts, immigration, criminal records, etc. |
Deaths and Burials 1668-1945 Deaths and burials recorded between 1668 and 1945 in Netherlands. |
Government and Legal Information in Netherlands Search legal information for Netherlands and access government resources for courts and case law, education, government, law reform, legislation, Parliament, anti-corruption, aviation law, competition law, domain names, elections, land law, and other government and legal information. |
Health Care Disciplinary Actions Use this Centraal Tuchtcollege voor de Gezondheidszorg service to search the uitsprakendatabank for disciplinary actions against Netherlands health care providers. |
Legal Databases Use this rechtspraak.nl page to links to legal databases in the Netherlands. |
Licenses - Dentists Select Beroepsgroep: Tandartsen to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered dentists by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Nurses Select Beroepsgroep Verpleegkundigen to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered nurses by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Obstetricians Select Beroepsgroep: Verloskundigen to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered Obstetricians by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Pharmacists Select Beroepsgroep: Apothekers to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered Pharmacists (apothecaries) by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Physicians Select Beroepsgroep ARTSEN to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered physicians by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Physiotherapists Select Beroepsgroep: Fysiotherapeuten to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered Physiotherapists by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Psychologists Select Beroepsgroep: gz-psychologen to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered heatlh care psychologists by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Licenses - Psychotherapists Select Beroepsgroep: Psychotherapeuten to use the Netherlands BIG-register to search for registered Psychotherapists by BIG registration number (BIG-inschrijfnumme), birth date, mail code, or place of residence. |
Limburg Parish | Births, Deaths, and Marriages Over 77,000 images orannized by town for baptisms, marriages, and deaths recorded in Limburg Roman Catholic Parish, Netherlands between 1600 and 1822. |
Marriages 1565-1892 Over 560,000 marriages recorded in Netherlands between 1565 and 1892. |
Noord-Brabant Province | Population Registers Browse images by municipality for Noord-Brabant Province, Netherlands population registers from 1820 through 1930. |
Noord-Holland | Vital Records 1811-1950 Noord-Holland Province births, marriages, and deaths between 1811 and 1950. |
Phone Directory | White Pages White Pages residential phone listings in the Netherlands. |
Phone Directory | Yellow Pages Yellow Pages business phone listings in the Netherlands. |
Warships | World War II Royal Dutch Warships active in World War II. |
Zuid-Holland Province | Vital Records 1811-1942 Over 1.3 million images of civil registrations of births, marriages, deaths, and divorces recorded in Zuid-Holland Province, Netherlands between 1811 and 1942. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.