Connecticut Medical Professional & Business Licenses

The databases under the "Most Popular" heading contain multiple license types. For example, the link to Medical and Health Care contains dozens of license types for CT Department of Health licenses, such as those for physicians, pharmacists, dental hygienists, nursing home administrators, acupuncturists, alcohol & drug counselors, veterinarians, outpatient clinics, assisted living agencies, to name a few.

Likewise, the Connecticut Department of Public Safety includes many license types in their database.  Too many to list individually.  We have created the general categories for easy reference:  Construction & Engineering; Health & Safety; Real Estate; Liquor; Food & Beverage; Funeral; and Barbers & Cosmetologist.

Below that you will find other license types that are found at specific online databases, such as those for attorneys, private investigators, accountants, banks, credit unions, etc.

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  • Connecticut Professional Medical and Business Licenses

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