Rogers County is located in northeastern Oklahoma. The County Seat is Claremore and the largest city is Claremore. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 89,815 and the 2010 census population was 86,904. The land area is 675.63 square miles and there are 128.6 persons per square mile.
76.2% of the population is White, 1.2% is Black or African American, 4.1% is Hispanic or Latino, 1.1% is Asian, 13.2% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 8.2% is two or more races. 90.4% have a high school degree or higher, and 23% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $143,600, there are 32,693 households, an average of 2.65 persons per household. The per capita income is $27,365, the median household income is $58,525, and 9.3% of the persons in Rogers County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 8,169. Retail sales (in $1000) were $663,785, and sales per capita were $7,979. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0.6%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 24.3%.
Use the links below to find Rogers County public records, including court dockets, property assessment and tax records, deeds & mortgages, warrants, inmates, and more.
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Rogers County Official government website of Rogers County, Oklahoma. |
Agendas & Minutes Click on "Agendas" to download Rogers County public meeting Agendas, or click on "Minutes Archive" for meeting Minutes from 2007 to present. |
Bid Notices Rogers County Clerk notices of open bids. |
Birth & Death Certificates Information Rogers County birth and death certificates may be obtained from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. |
Business Directory Rogers County Area business directory from the Claremore Chamber of Commerce. |
Calendar Rogers County Government calendar of meetings. |
Cemeteries & Interments Index of interments in cemeteries in Rogers County, including cemetery maps, dates, and gravestone photographs. |
Court Records Select Rogers County District Court or search the Oklahoma State Courts Network statewide for District and Appeals court dockets. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch information on Rogers County genealogy and family histories, and Oklahoma statewide genealogy records. |
Genealogy | OKGenWeb OKGenWeb genealogy resources for Rogers County, including county queries, marriages, photos, WWII casualties, and more. |
Inmates Rogers County Sheriff's Office current inmate roster. |
Inmates | Released Rogers County Sheriff's Office list of inmates released in the last 48 hours. |
Jobs Rogers County Human Resources Department employment opportunities. |
Land Patents & Survey Plats Bureau of Land Management records of Rogers County survey plats and Federal land patents. |
Maps Static downloadable pdf maps of Rogers County roads, DOT maps, rural water districts, and school districts. |
Most Wanted Rogers County Sheriff's Office list of most wanted persons. |
Pet Adoptions Rogers County and City of Claremore Area adoptable pets. |
Phone Directory Phone directory for Rogers County departments, courts, and Judges. |
Plat Maps Pay Site Rogers County Clerk downloadable plat maps. Subscription required. |
Property | Assessor Rogers County Assessor property, assessment, and sales records, and GIS map parcel search. |
Property | GIS Rogers County Assessor GIS property search by interactive map, owner name, parcel ID, address, or cadastral number. |
Property | Tax Records Rogers County Treasurer's Office property tax records (paid and unpaid), and online tax payments. |
Recorded Documents Rogers County Clerk's Office search for recorded documents and land records filed from February 1986 to present. |
Restaurant Inspections Select Rogers County in the county menu to generate a list of Oklahoma State Department of Health food service inspection reports or search by establishment name. |
Sex Offenders Oklahoma Official Registry of Rogers County sex and violent offenders. |
Voters Lookup your Rogers County voter registration and polling place, or track the status of your absentee ballot. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.