Payne County is located in north central Oklahoma. The County Seat is Stillwater and the largest city is Stillwater. The Official Web Site is located at The 2014 population estimate is 80,264 and the 2010 census population was 77,350. The land area is 684.70 square miles and there are 113 persons per square mile.
81.5% of the population is White, 3.9% is Black or African American, 4.3% is Hispanic or Latino, 4.1% is Asian, 5.2% is American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.1% is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 5.3% is two or more races. 90% have a high school degree or higher, and 35.9% have a Bachelor degree or higher.
The median home value is $130,800, there are 30,010 households, an average of 2.33 persons per household. The per capita income is $20,868, the median household income is $36,812, and 25.7% of the persons in Payne County are considered below poverty level.
The total number of firms, at last estimate, was 6,544. Retail sales (in $1000) were $818,401, and sales per capita were $10,449. The percentage of black-owned firms is 0%, and the percentage of women-owned firms is 21.3%.
Use the links below to find Payne County public records, including court records, Agendas, property tax and assessments, deeds & mortgages, offenders, foreclosures, and more.
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Payne County Payne County, Oklahoma official government website. |
Agendas Payne County public meeting dates and Agendas. |
Birth & Death Certificates Information Payne County birth and death certificates may be obtained from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. |
Business Directory Payne County Area member business directory from the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce. |
Cemeteries & Burials Searchable index of interments in cemeteries in Payne County. |
Court Records In the "County or Court" menu, select Payne County District Court for Appellate Court case records and District Court civil, criminal, family court, traffic, and probate dockets. |
Genealogy | FamilySearch FamilySearch information on Payne County ancestry and genealogy, including county and Oklahoma statewide records. |
Genealogy | OKGenWeb Payne County genealogy resources from OKGenWeb, including county history, Indian Papers, land records, lookups, funeral homes, high school name index, and county churches. |
GIS Map & Analytics Payne County Assessor's Office interactive GIS map and analytics of assessments and appraised values, census information, and sales. Map has optional flood plain, school, fire and county commission districts, voter precincts, and median household income. |
Maps Printable Payne County maps, including county fire, commissioner, and school districts, and city limits maps for the communities of Cushing, Glencoe, Perkins, Ripley, Stillwater, and Yale City. |
Marriages | 1894-1897 Marriages recorded in Payne County between 1894 and 1897. |
Pet Adoptions Pets available for adoption from Stillwater Animal Welfare, the Humane Society of Stillwater, and other adoption groups in Payne County. |
Property | Assessor Payne County Assessor's Office property search. Provides building, yard, value, sales, land, map, and comparable sales information, |
Property | GIS Payne County Assessor's Office GIS property search by map, account, street or road, or owner name. |
Property | Tax Records Payne County Treasurer's office property tax roll searches and online property tax payments. |
Recorded Documents Payne County Clerk's Office search for deeds, mortgages, judgments and liens, plats, tax warrants, marriage licenses, birth and death certificates, and other recorded documents. |
Restaurant Inspections Payne County food service / restaurant inspection reports from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. |
Sex Offenders State of Oklahoma Official Registry search for Payne County sex and violent offenders. |
Sheriff Sales Payne County Sheriff's Office foreclosure sales. |
Survey Plats & Land Patents Records of Payne County survey plats and Federal land patents from the Bureau of Land Management. |
Voters Oklahoma State Election Board voter tool search for your Payne County voter registration and polling place. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.