Visit the Ohio Department of Public Health for information on how to obtain birth and death certificates in Ohio. Birth records are available since December 20, 1908. Death records are available since 1954.
To place an order, write to:
Ohio Department of Health
Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 15098
225 Neilston Street
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 466-2531
Birth records prior to 1908, death records prior to 1954 and marriage records prior to 1949 can be found here:
Ohio Historical Society
Archives/Library Reference Questions
1982 Velma Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211
(614) 297-2510
You may also search for death certificates issued between 1908 and 1953 or browse by Genealogical Society digital film number here:
Ohio county probate courts have kept marriage records from the date of the county's formation. There is no statewide index to marriage records before September 7, 1949. Go to the list of county probate court marriage records held at the Ohio Historical Society. If the Ohio Historical Society does not hold a county's marriage records, please contact the county's probate court. A list of county courthouse contacts is available at Ohio County Courthouse Addresses.
For Ohio Divorce Records, click on the title immediately below:
Ohio Divorces |
If you find a broken link below, please use the Report a Broken Link form to let us know.
Births & Christenings 1821-1962 Index of over 4.7 million births and christenings in Ohio recorded between 1821 and 1962. |
Births, Deaths, Marriages | Parish Records 1840-1930 Diocese of Toledo, Ohio Catholic Parish records for marriages, births, and deaths in Northwestern Ohio between 1840 and 1930. Covers over 100,000 records in 19 Ohio counties. |
Deaths & Burials 1854-1997 Index of over 2.5 million Ohio deaths and burials recorded between 1854 and 1997. |
Deaths | Cemetery Records Cemetery records in Ohio including cemetery maps, interment records, and burial site photographs. |
Deaths | Certificates 1908-1953 Ohio Death certificates recorded between 1908 and 1953. |
Deaths | Obituaries 1830-Present Search Ohio obituaries by name or year of death. Gives date of death, names of spouse & father, age, city of death, marriage date, notes, newspaper sources, and links to order copies. |
Deaths | Records and Certificates Search Ohio deaths and order death certificates. |
Deaths | Social Security Administration Ohio deaths reported to Social Security. |
Divorces | State and County Records There are too many divorce indexes in Ohio to include here, so we gave them their own page. Here you'll find the statewide Ohio Divorce Index covering divorces between 1962 and 1996, and the available County Court of Common Pleas indexes where divorces are filed Ohio. |
Marriages | 1800-1958 Index of over 2.3 million marriages recorded in Ohio between 1885 and 1930. |
Akron Births Search the Akron public library database of birth notices published in local papers such as the Akron Globe, Akron Echo, Akron News, and the Rochester Sentinel. |
Akron Deaths Akron public library database of death notices published in local papers such as the Akron Globe, Akron Echo, Akron News, Akron/Mentone News, and the Rochester Sentinel. |
Akron Marriages Search the Akron, Ohio public library database of Marriage notices published in local newspapers. |
Allen County Cemeteries Browse by cemetery and name for Allen County, Ohio cemetery inscriptions. |
Allen County Death Records 1909-1953 Browse Allen County, Ohio death records by name. Gives date of birth & death, cemetery, source, and volume/page number. Site also gives information on how to order a copy of the record. |
Allen County War Casualties Browse by name for Allen County, Ohio Persian Gulf, Vietnam, Korean, WWI, WWII, Civil, and Spanish Mexican war casualties. |
Clark County Marriages 1845-1850 Browse this alphabetical directory of Clark County, Ohio marriage licenses issued between 1845-1850 to view spouse name, date, page and entry number. |
Clark County Obituaries Search Clark County, Ohio obituaries from 1833 to 2006 by name or date range. Gives spouse/family information, date of funeral services and location of burial. |
Clark County | Marriages Clark County Probate Court marriage records, searchable by name, case number, or file date. Covers marriages filed from 1818 to the present. |
Cleveland Obituaries & Cemetery Inscriptions This database was produced from a microfilmed copy of an alphabetical card file containing local cemetery records and newspaper death notices gathered by the Cleveland Public Library. Login as a guest and click on the Obit File link. |
Columbiana County | Births, Deaths, Marriages Columbiana County Probate Court records for births, deaths, and marriages through estate records, marriage licenses, and birth registrations and corrections. |
Cuyahoga County Death Records 1867-1890 Browse Cuyahoga County, Ohio death records by name. Gives date of death, age, and volume/page number. Site also includes information on how to order a copy of the record. |
Cuyahoga County Marriage Index Search the Cuyahoga County Probate Court for Marriage License records, Birth, Probate, Guardianship, and Trusts. |
Cuyahoga County Obituaries Search the Cleveland Plain Dealer for Cuyahoga County, Ohio Obituaries |
Cuyahoga County Obituaries & Cemetery Inscriptions This database was produced from a microfilmed copy of an alphabetical card file containing local cemetery records and newspaper death notices gathered by the Cleveland Public Library. |
Darke County Burials Browse this database by surname or cemetery for burials in Darke County, Ohio. |
Darke County Marriages 1817-1850 Browse this database by name for marriages recorded in Darke County, Ohio between 1817 and 1850. |
Delaware County Burials Browse Delaware County, Ohio burials by cemetery and name. Gives date of death, cemetery, and funeral home. Site also includes information on how to order a copy of the full record. |
Delphos Death Records 1909-1953 Browse Delphos, Ohio death records by name. Gives date of birth & death, cemetery, source, and volume/page number. Site also gives information on how to order a copy of the record. |
Eaton Obituaries (Recent) Search recent Eaton, Ohio obituaries by name or date or browse by date. Gives full text of obituary as it appeared in the Eaton Register-Herald. |
Fairfield County Marriages 1800-1811 Browse this Fairfield County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical Society database by name for marriages in Fairfield County, Ohio between 1800 and 1811. |
Fairfield County | Marriages Lancaster Eagle-Gazette database of Fairfield County marriage licenses. |
Fayette County Birth Records 1909-1999 Fayette County, Ohio birth records by name. Provided by the Carnegie Public Library. |
Fayette County Death Index 1867-1908 Carnegie Public Library in Washington Court House, Ohio database of Fayette County death records covering 1867-1908. |
Fayette County Death Records | St. Colman Church St. Colman Church in Fayette County death records, searchable by name. |
Fayette County Obituaries 1911-2005 Carnegie Public Library in Washington Court House, Ohio database of Fayette County obituaries published between 1911 and 2005. |
Franklin County Obituaries 1937-1997 Search this Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Library database for Franklin County obituaries by name and optionally by date. Covers the period 1937 through 1997. |
Franklin County Veteran Grave Search Search this Franklin County Recorder's database by name or burial site for Veteran Graves in Franklin County, Ohio. |
Franklin County | Marriage Records Franklin County marriages 1/3/1995 to present. |
Geauga County Birth Records 1867-1907 Geauga County, Ohio birth records for the period 1867-1907. |
Geauga County | Marriages The Probate Court in Geauga County includes marriage license records in their searchable court index. |
Greene County Births 1869-1909 Greene County, Ohio births from 1869-1909 by name. Greene County Public Library database. |
Greene County Marriage Licenses Index of Greene County marriage licenses from the Probate Court. |
Greene County Marriages Use this Greene County Probate Court service to search for marriage records by bride name, groom name, or book & page. |
Hamilton County Obituaries Search this Cincinnati.Com database for obituaries, death notices, estate services, funeral home announcements, etc. that were published in the Cincinnati, Ohio newspapers since October 2000. |
Hamilton County | Marriages Hamilton County Probate Court marriage records since 1808. |
Jackson County Deaths 1867-1908 Use this RootsWeb service to browse by Volume and name for deaths recorded in Jackson County, Ohio between 1867 and 1908. |
Lake County Deaths 1867-1908 Browse this RootsWeb database by year for deaths recorded in Probate Court in Lake County, Ohio between 1867 and 1908. |
Lawrence County Births Birth announcements and birth records in Lawrence County, Ohio. |
Lawrence County Deaths Browse by year for Lawrence County, Ohio obituaries and death records. |
Lawrence County Marriages Browse by year and name for marriages in Lawrence County, Ohio from 1856 through 1869. |
Lucas County | Oregon Burial Records City of Oregon, burial records searchable by decedent name or plot owner name. |
Miami Valley Marriage Records Miami Valley, Ohio genealogy index, including Butler County marriages 1803-1840; Clarke County marriages 1818-1865; Darke County 1817-1850; Greene County 1803-1818; Miami County 1807-1899; Montgomery County 1803-1850; Preble County 1809-1860; Shelby County 1819-1870; and Warren County marriages 1803-1854. |
Montgomery County | Marriages Marriage records from the Search the Montgomery County Probate Court. |
Montgomery County | Obituaries Montgomery County obituaries published in the Dayton Daily News, Dayton Journal Herald, or Dayton Magazine. |
Portage County Marriages 1842-1943 Browse this Portage County Historical Society collection of newspaper clippings of marriage announcements. Covers the period 1842-1943. |
Portage County | Marriages, Deaths, Divorces Portage County Common Pleas and Probate Court index, including marriage records, divorces, and death records. |
Preble County Genealogical & Historical Records Search this Preble County, Ohio Public Library database by name or keyword for Genealogical & Historical Records. Includes birth, cemetery, census, death, estate, mariage military, newspaper, obituary, school, Will records, and more. |
Ross County | Marriages Ross County marriage licenses. |
Stark County Marriages Probate Court of Stark County marriage license index. Records are current from April of 1986 through the current date. |
Stark County | Obituaries Louisville, Ohio Public Library search for Stark County obituaries. |
Summit County Marriages Summit County Probate Court marriage license search. Select Marriage License in the Case Type field. |
Trumbull County | Marriages Trumbull County marriage licenses filed at the Probate Court and can be found using the court docket index. You may search by bride or groom name or by case filing number. |
Warren County Marriages, Births, Deaths Warren County Genealogical Society vital records, including marriages between 1803 and 1907, births between 1867 and1908, and deaths 1867 through 1930. |
Wayne County Obituaries Search the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library database by name and/or year of death for Wayne County, Ohio obituaries. |
Wayne County Obituaries - Early Browse the Wayne County, Ohio Public Library database by name for obituaries published in the 1800's in Wayne County. |
Williams County Obituaries Search this Williams County Ohio Public Library database by name for newspaper obituaries. |
Wood County Marriages Marriage license records from the Wood County Probate Court. |
Wood County Obituaries (1848-present) Search Wood County, Ohio obituaries by name or date. Gives spouse, cemetery, paper, and date/page/column of obituary. Site also includes information on how to order a copy of the obituary. |
Worthington Cemeteries Search the Worthington Historical Society database of all Worthington cemeteries by surname or obituary keyword, or individual cemeteries by surname, description and/or year of death. |
Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records.